Are Your PPC Ad Campaigns Missing the Mark?

A strong pay-per-click marketing strategy can help you define your target audience and significantly drive revenue for your Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product — provided you have a partner that understands the unique challenges of this industry.

The SaaS PPC experts at HawkSEM can help you build a better marketing strategy so you can overcome common roadblocks and outperform your competitors.

What Is SaaS PPC?

SaaS PPC is a type of digital marketing that focuses specifically on driving revenue growth for Software-as-a-Service businesses.

Compared with conventional product companies, SaaS providers are a different business altogether. Not only are SaaS products more sophisticated and often geared toward a precise audience, but the SaaS sales cycle is generally longer than that of a product company because the consumer evaluation process tends to take more time.

And, because the cost of acquiring new customers is much higher than the cost of retaining existing clients, SaaS marketing focuses more on customer retention to keep churn rate low and monthly recurring revenue (MRR) high.

Each of these distinctions impacts how a successful SaaS PPC campaign is developed, from the specific keywords chosen to the messaging created for ad copy and landing pages.

Why You Need a SaaS PPC Agency

The customer-centric business model means that SaaS companies require a different approach when it comes to developing and implementing a growth-focused PPC strategy.

Instead of selling a tangible product, you are asking consumers — or, in the case of B2B SaaS businesses, other business owners — to purchase something they can’t exactly hold in their hands. This requires building a strong connection with your potential buyers through extensive audience research and robust product education.

Ongoing consumer engagement, for example through brand awareness initiatives and virtual product demos, is also critical to gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

An experienced SaaS PPC agency understands the nuances of SaaS marketing and knows how to build paid search campaigns that consistently reach your target audience, increase your online visibility, drive traffic to your website, and generate more sales.

Results from our SaaS Clients

  • Doubled their targeted traffic

  • 75%

    75% more sales demos

  • 80%

    Cut CPA by 80% and doubled lead volume

  • 409%

    Increased users by 409%

  • 74%

    Increased first-page keyword rankings by 74%

  • 126%x

    126% more clicks to the website

HawkSEM: The SaaS PPC Pros

Nobody understands your SaaS business like you do. And nobody understands SaaS PPC like the award-winning team at HawkSEM. Together, we can develop a targeted marketing strategy focused on converting marketing qualified leads (MQLs) into sales qualified leads (SQLs), increasing conversion rate, and ultimately driving SaaS growth.

Meet The Team

Our Experience and Achievements

You devoted an immense amount of time, effort, and innovation to building a successful SaaS business. We respect that — because we’ve spent the last 15+ years building the best PPC agency on the planet, if we do say so ourselves. We challenge ourselves daily to stay ahead of industry trends and consistently deliver out-of-the-park results for our clients, and our efforts have clearly paid off.

  • Google Premier Partner
  • Microsoft Advertising Partner
  • Meta Business Partner
  • More than 15 years in business
  • Clients average a 4.5X ROI
  • 98% retention rate
  • Industry-leading case studies
  • High-level experts in a wide range of industries
  • Ridiculously happy clients (with the results to prove it)
  • Voted a top company for remote workers

Results Are Everything

HawkSEM in 90 seconds

Our SaaS-Specific PPC Services

At HawkSEM, our best-in-class PPC specialists are pros at navigating the top pay-per-click ad platforms, including Amazon Ads, Google Ads, Meta Ads (formerly Facebook Ads/Instagram Ads), Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads), and LinkedIn Ads.

We first take the time to understand your SaaS product, your industry, your audience, and your competitors. From there, we roll up our sleeves and do the work of building, managing, and optimizing your paid search campaigns to ensure they meet — better yet, exceed — your goals.

Our extensive list of PPC deliverables includes:

  • Audit of existing campaigns
  • Competitor and industry analysis
  • Audience targeting
  • Campaign strategy and roadmap
  • Keyword research and selection
  • Campaign buildout, management, optimization
  • Shopping and product feed management
  • Ad copy creation
  • Landing page creation
  • A/B testing
  • Conversion tracking and reporting
  • Revenue modeling and forecasts
  • Strategic bid management

From Audit to Excellence:
Our Proven Process

Quality reporting is what separates the pros from the rookies — and HawkSEM is definitely in the former category.

We believe in complete transparency, which means everything we know about your campaigns, you know. And we deliver that knowledge via monthly reports that are always on time and easy to understand.

Curious about which leads are actually generating revenue? Got a burning question about KPIs? We’re just a Slack, email, or phone call away. And, with ConversionIQ at your fingertips (more on that below), you can check in on your accounts at any time.

  • 1. Audit

    Running paid ads already? Let’s see what’s what. Our team will start by conducting a thorough audit of your current pay-per-click campaigns to see how they are performing and pinpoint areas for improvement.

    During the audit stage, we will:

    • Define your top business goals and KPIs
    • Learn about your target audience and what motivates them to buy
    • Research your direct and indirect competitors
    • Analyze your current search ranking (and determine whether or not you’re ranking for the right keywords)
    • Make sure your other digital marketing channels — including SEO and social media — align with your PPC campaign strategy.

    Then, we go to work.

  • 2. Strategize

    Once our team has a thorough understanding of your PPC goals and existing campaigns, we will develop a comprehensive paid traffic strategy that is tailor-made for your SaaS business.

    Using the improvement opportunities we identified from your audit, and keeping in mind your budget and your target audience, we’ll draft a blueprint for success that includes suggestions and recommendations for keywords, ad copy and assets, bidding strategy, and more.

    With HawkSEM, you will know exactly what to expect as we set you up for PPC success.

  • 3. Build out

    Now it’s time to put it all together and build your campaigns. We love this part because it’s where you get to see our PPC specialists really shine. But don’t worry — that doesn’t mean we leave you in the dust.

    We’re all about working side by side with your marketing team so that everyone stays in the loop about our processes and our progress. During the buildout stage, we’ll be creating a keyword list, crafting compelling ad copy, organizing ad groups, setting up conversion tracking, choosing the best bidding strategies, and building appealing landing pages with high-performing calls to action (CTAs).

    And that’s just us getting started.

  • 4. Optimize

    This stage is all about the metrics. Once your SaaS PPC campaigns are live, the optimization process begins (and never stops).

    Our team will gather the performance data for each campaign to determine what’s working and what’s not. From there, we execute the necessary changes to optimize performance and increase conversions. This includes additional A/B testing, tweaking ad copy, making bid strategy adjustments, and updating keywords (and negative keywords) lists.

    HawkSEM’s data-driven approach allows us to give you a full breakdown of how your paid media campaigns are performing, which brings us to the next stage in the process…

  • 5. Report

    Quality reporting is what separates the pros from the rookies — and HawkSEM is definitely in the former category.

    We believe in complete transparency, which means everything we know about your campaigns, you know. And we deliver that knowledge via monthly reports that are always on time and easy to understand.

    Curious about which leads are actually generating revenue? Got a burning question about KPIs? We’re just a Slack, email, or phone call away. And, with ConversionIQ at your fingertips (more on that below), you can check in on your accounts at any time.

  • 6. Thrive

    Build, test, optimize, repeat.

    Our consistent and proven process positions our SaaS clients for continued growth and scalability. Are you ready to see your PPC marketing campaigns thrive?

HawkSEM has been hand-selected as a Google Premier Partner and Microsoft Advertising Partner

We make things happen …but don’t take our word for it:

  • CSUN

  • Patch of Land

  • Google Partner

  • Google Premier Agency

Our Proprietary Platform:

From startups to industry veterans, SaaS companies understand the power of tech — so it’s no wonder our SaaS clients are consistently wowed by our proprietary marketing platform.

Part marketing tool, part reporting system, ConversionIQ connects all of your digital marketing channels into one centralized hub. The result is an easy-to-navigate dashboard that gives you a holistic view of everything that’s happening inside your multiple marketing accounts.

Of course, what good is really great tech without a human element to balance out the equation? That’s where our stellar marketing team comes in. We can help you dissect and analyze your account data in a way that makes sense, so you can move forward with confidence knowing your SaaS PPC campaigns are primed for growth.

The Bottom Line

For B2C and B2B SaaS companies alike, achieving success with paid advertising can feel like a monumental challenge. HawkSEM is the full-service marketing agency you can count on to help you navigate the complexities of PPC platforms and hit your revenue goals month after month.

Our ever-growing team is made up of high-level experts in every field of digital marketing to meet your SaaS PPC needs, and our clients average a 4.5X ROI.

When you’re ready to take your pay-per-click campaigns to the next level with our highly effective data-driven process, the team at HawkSEM is here to make it happen.

FAQs About SaaS PPC Services

  • How much do SaaS PPC services cost?

    SaaS PPC agencies will generally charge either a flat fee, which can range from $1,500 to $10,000 monthly, or a percentage of ad spend (typically 10% to 20% of your monthly ad budget).

    The cost of building, managing, and optimizing pay-per-click advertising campaigns for your SaaS business will vary based on your industry and your specific product or service.

    Because of the complexities of paid search platforms — and the fact that they are continually evolving and adding new tools and capabilities — the learning curve is steep, and it can be more than an in-house marketing team can manage.

  • How do I choose the best SaaS PPC agency for my business?

    As with any digital marketing service, choosing the best SaaS PPC option will depend on your business goals, your marketing budget, and the attributes you consider important in an agency partner.

    A great place to start is by researching different agencies online and reading their case studies and customer reviews; nothing says “expert” like real, quantifiable results and recommendations from happy clients.

    Next, look at the services they offer. Are they able to deliver the full scope of PPC services needed to drive results? Do they work with SaaS companies enough to understand their unique challenges? Do they follow a specific process for creating, managing, and optimizing paid traffic campaigns? Asking such questions can help you get a feel for their level of knowledge and expertise.

  • How long does it take to see results?

    A good rule of thumb is about 90 days. This gives the paid traffic algorithm enough time to “learn” about audience behavior and your PPC team enough time to gather data about your campaigns, understand what’s working and what isn’t, and make any necessary changes in order to optimize campaign performance.

Request a Free Consultation

No BS, just results. Average clients see a 4.5x ROI

  • Dramatically improve ROI
  • Outperform the competition
  • Increase conversion volume
  • Better track ROI
  • Reduce cost per acquisition
  • Improve lead quality