A/B tests allow brands to find the best creatives and copy to drive conversions. Learn best practices from experts on how to run A/B experiments and what tools to use along the way.

Here are 16 ideas of some of the most impactful A/B tests you can run to deliver a better, higher-converting user experience.

16 proven A/B testing ideas

Your company invested heavily in a new marketing campaign. Website traffic is soaring. Email open rates are impressive. But the conversion rate? It’s flat.

Enter the world of A/B testing — one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s toolbox for boosting conversions. A/B testing shows two different variations of a page to visitors to see which drives more conversions.

By testing above-the-fold element changes (e.g., headlines, images, calls-to-action, and page layouts), provides data-driven insights that can deliver higher conversion rates.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to run valid split tests that yield actionable insights — and a ton of A/B testing ideas to boost conversions for your website and email marketing campaigns.

Ecommerce A/B testing ideas

1. Product image variations

Ecommerce is visually driven, so product images play a pivotal role in attracting clicks. A simple change, like showcasing a product from a different angle or using a zoomed-in shot, can significantly impact conversions. A/B testing can identify which image style resonates most with your audience.

For instance, lifestyle shots may be more effective for fashion items, while a detailed close-up may work for tech gadgets — like this test by Speero. It found that increasing the size of the photo increased its perceived value by $13.50 on average:

2. Price point testing

The price tag can make or break a sale. But how do you pinpoint the sweet spot to maximize sales and profits? Price point testing allows you to present different prices to segmented audiences, gauging their willingness to pay.

This isn’t just about higher vs. lower prices; sometimes, bundling products or offering tiered pricing can increase cart values and boost revenue.

3. Checkout process optimization

A smooth, intuitive checkout page process is the final hurdle in the ecommerce race. Any friction here can lead to cart abandonment.

A/B test elements like the number of steps, guest vs. account checkout, including a thank-you page, or tweaking the checkout button’s color and text. For instance, you may try a one-page checkout process, like Casper uses:

Checkout process optimization

4. Cart abandonment strategies

Cart abandonment is the bane of ecommerce. Strategic A/B testing combats this issue. Test different reminder emails, popup incentives, or the timing of these nudges. For instance, does a reminder after 1 hour work better than after 24 hours? Does a 10% discount incentivize completed purchases?

Experimentation can zero in on the optimal cart abandonment strategies. Like this test from Rejoiner, which found a 303.8% conversion bump for plain-text abandoned cart reminders over creative ones.

Cart abandonment strategies

Email A/B testing ideas

5. Subject line variations

Many factors go into the perfect email, but the subject line is king. A compelling one can skyrocket open rates, while a lackluster one goes straight to the trash. Test different subject lines to see what grabs attention. Is it a question, bold statement, or hint of urgency? The goal: pique curiosity, not give everything away. “Unlock 20% Off Inside!” may outperform “Sale Today.”

It’s worth testing subject lines that deliver value and relevance, explains Gene Caballero, founder of Greenpal.

“For our monthly newsletter, we tested a generic ‘GreenPal Monthly Updates’ against more specific subject lines like, ‘Top 3 Lawn Care Tips for June!” Gene explains.

“The goal? To highlight the value Greenpal could deliver with a catchy, informative subject line. Providing direct value in the subject captured more attention. Using specific, value-driven subject lines increased our open rate by 8%.”

Your email’s call-to-action button is the final push for readers to engage with your business. However, design can have a big impact on experience. A green “Shop Now” button may outperform the blue “Buy Now” button, for example.

Button color, size, and placement are important, but so is the microcopy around your CTA — like in this example from Pipedrive:

6. CTA button designs

Your email’s call-to-action button is the final push for readers to engage with your business. However, design can have a big impact on experience. A green “Shop Now” button may outperform the blue “Buy Now” button, for example.

Button color, size, and placement are important, but so is the microcopy around your CTA — like in this example from Pipedrive:

CTA button designs

7. Personalization techniques

Consumers crave personalized messaging. In fact, 56% of users say they’re more likely to become repeat customers after receiving a personalized experience. You’ll want to consider going deeper than just testing “Hi [Name].”

What are other ways to personalize your copy? Segmenting your list into specific demographics or interests to personalize emails.

8. Timing and frequency

Messaging is important, but so is analyzing timing and frequency when split testing. For example, bi-weekly newsletters may be more engaging than weekly newsletters.

Or perhaps open rates are better in the mornings than at night. You want to engage your subscribers at the right moments, and A/B testing can give you the insights you need to do so.

Landing Page A/B Testing Ideas

9. Headline testing

Your headline sets the tone for your landing page. Performing split tests on headline variations reveals what resonates most with your visitors.

Creative headlines that engage users with questions or data may result in higher performance than generic statements.

10. Page layout testing

Page layout can simplify the user experience and affect conversions. So test two page layouts to see what structure accomplishes your page’s goals.

A two-column layout with a strong value proposition statement and call-to-action may work best for you. Or a minimalist approach may increase usability. You won’t know what works for your visitors until you test it.

Structure pages for intuitive, seamless user experiences. For example, when YuppieChef tested a variation without a nav bar at the top, it saw conversion rates double from 3% to 6%:

Page layout testing

11. Social proof testing

Testimonials, reviews, and trust badges build credibility and confidence in your brand. Strategically test the placement, content, volume of social proof elements to optimize impact.

For example, a testimonial near the opt-in form may encourage sign-ups, while satisfaction badges in the footer alleviate security concerns.

Optimizing the content of your social proof can also be effective, like this med spa client which got a 19% conversion bump by adding names and procedure dates to its testimonials:

Social proof testing

12. Lead capture form testing

Too many lead gen form fields increase drop-offs. While detailed forms cater to specific needs, shorter name, and email capture forms often perform better.

In one well-known study, the Unbounce team replaced an 11-field form with a 4-field form — and saw conversions increase by 160%.

Test shorter vs. longer forms to balance information gathering and frictionless conversions — or consider replacing forms with chatbots to make it easier for customers to convert:

Lead capture form testing

A/B testing website examples

13. Navigation menu optimization

Experience is the crux of website navigation. The navigation menu is how you guide users through your site. A/B testing can create more intuitive user journeys and streamline navigation.

You may find that navigation menu optimization relates to design or copy. Shorter labels may perform better than longer labels. Horizontal menus may perform better than tucked-away vertical menus. Explore design and messaging in your testing.

14. Content placement split testing

Where you position page content impacts engagement. Test placements to determine what best captures user attention. For instance, case study videos above the homepage fold could increase conversions more than dense text.

Or an email opt-in form in the sidebar may generate more leads than one at the bottom. Map intentional visitor journeys.

15. Mobile experience testing

With surging mobile usage, ensuring a streamlined mobile experience is essential. Test mobile page layouts, typography, button sizes, and navigation for optimization.

Collapsible menus and single-column mobile layouts often improve on-the-go experiences. Remember, focus on mobile speed and simplicity.

Be sure to test in-app messaging and the mobile user experience, like Talkspace does:

Mobile experience testing

16. Color scheme A/B testing

Colors influence user actions and emotions. Test color variations to learn what resonates with your audience.

For instance, blue credit card icons may instill more trust in purchases than red ones. And muted palettes keep the focus on content versus loud colors.

Adding a bright contrasting color like red or orange can attract reader attention and get a conversion bump — like Dmix found when IT tested a red button and saw a 34% conversion bump:

Color scheme AB testing

Inspired to revamp your digital strategy with these A/B testing ideas? Partner with HawkSEM and watch your conversion rates reach new heights.

A/B testing explained

Experimentation is important, but easy to overlook. Let’s review what it is, how it works, and why it’s important for your marketing campaigns.

1. Define your goals and objectives

Before you launch your A/B tests, define the test’s goals. For instance, do you want to increase sign-ups for your free ebook? Or see improved click-through rates on a call-to-action button?

Setting SMART goals is a great way to set clear, specific goals that produce intentional tests with actionable results. SMART goals are:

  • Specific: Clearly define the goal to direct focus and efforts.
  • Measurable: Set quantifiable indicators to track progress and outcomes.
  • Achievable: Ensure the goal is realistic and within reach.
  • Relevant: Align the goal with strategic business priorities.
  • Time-bound: Specify a deadline to encourage timely completion.

For example, instead of a vague goal like “raise website conversions by 5%,” a SMART goal could be: “increase the click-through rate on the homepage’s main CTA button by 10% in the next 30 days.”

Setting a goal this way is specific (focused on the homepage CTA button), measurable (10% increase), achievable (has a realistic target), relevant (aligned with business goals), and time-bound (needs to be achieved within 30 days for success).

2. Selecting the right elements for testing

After setting your goals, identify the elements you’ll differentiate in your A/B test. A common mistake in A/B testing is changing too many elements at once. This makes it hard to determine which element produced the desired result.

Select one webpage or landing page element, such as headline text or image variations, to use in your split test

3. Setting up and launching the test

Many tools exist for A/B testing. VWO or Optimizely are approachable options that can assist in your A/B test launch. For statistically significant results, ensure both the control and the variant of your test receive substantial traffic.

Note: It’s best to isolate one element so causality at the end of the test is clear.

4. Analyze and interpret your results

After you run tests, dive into the data. it’s easy to just look at conversion rates, analyze the full range of metrics, such as engagement, heatmaps, and even user paths through your site.

Take a holistic approach to your analysis, which will offer deeper and more informative insights.

5. Implement and retest

If your variant produces better results than your control, you’ve got a green light to implement the change. However, the conclusion isn’t quite so simple.

Because the digital landscape is always changing, it’s important to continuously retest and refine your material.

To master the art of A/B testing without all the guesswork, let HawkSEM guide you through every step. Your tests won’t only be effective; they’ll be exceptional.

The A/B testing process

Significance of sufficient sample sizes

One important component of A/B testing is making sure that you have significant sample sizes. Too small of a sample size will lead to misrepresentative or useless conclusions.

You also need to ensure that the users in your test are adequate in their representation of your ideal population.

Common pitfalls in A/B testing

A/B testing can be a really helpful practice, but there are a few pitfalls to avoid, including:

  • Testing too many elements at the same time. For instance, if you test multiple features of a website simultaneously, you won’t be able to identify the change that drove results.
  • Reaching conclusions too quickly. It’s tempting to draw conclusions from a few data points, but wait until you’ve gathered enough data to make an informed decision. That means waiting until you have statistically significant results.
  • Neglecting to identify SMART goals. Without setting clear and specific goals, it’s hard to measure the success of your test or know what to improve upon next time.
  • Ignoring the statistical significance of your data. It’s critical to ensure that your data is statistically significant – otherwise you’ll find yourself drawing conclusions when results were actually caused by random chance.
  • Letting biases leak into your testing process. If you let your personal preferences or assumptions bias your test design, execution, or analysis, you’ll end up with results that seem meaningful – but don’t actually reflect user behavior.

These pitfalls can mislead conclusions. For the best and most effective A/B testing, be thorough, meticulous, and scientific in your split tests. That will ensure the most usable data.

Cultivating a continuous testing culture

Great A/B testing demands a culture of continuous retesting. User behavior and SEO trends are constantly evolving, along with the market. That means what worked a month ago may not work today. Regular testing will put you ahead of the curve.

Best tools for running split tests

There are several tools available for running A/B tests. Here are a few of the best platforms for A/B testing.

AB Tasty

AB Tasty offers more than standard A/B testing, offering a comprehensive suite with a long list of features. The tool provides plentiful metrics, empowering informed, nuanced, and data-driven decisions.


  • Simple setup, especially for non-developers
  • Extensive reporting capabilities
  • Heatmaps, session recording, and a visual editor
  • Custom pricing


  • Limited ability to integrate with third-party tools



Optimizely is a split testing leader known for an intuitive interface and exceptional analytics.


  • Real-time results
  • Testing over multiple pages
  • Great audience targeting capabilities
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Long list of integrations


  • Though the tool offers a free trial, it can be on the expensive side.



Omniconvert combines A/B testing with surveys and audience segmentation capabilities. It takes a holistic approach to improving conversion rates, by combining qualitative and quantitative data from split tests and surveys.


  • Quantitative and qualitative data combined for rich insights
  • Free tier of the product
  • Layered targeting, traffic-split tests, and on-site surveys


  • Limited visual editing capabilities


Adobe Target

Adobe Target is an AI-powered tool, great for advanced A/B testing and personalization. It’s a great choice for businesses looking to stay on the cutting edge of the digital landscape.


  • Abundant analytics and metrics
  • Exceptional scalability
  • Easy integration with other Adobe Suite products
  • Multi-armed bandit testing
  • Mobile app optimization
  • AI-powered insights
  • Custom pricing based on usage and selected modules


  • Steep learning curve


Dynamic Yield

Dynamic Yield blends A/B testing and personalization. The tool offers machine learning skills, giving omni-channel personalization so businesses can create effective and high-converting messages.


  • Machine learning elements
  • Predictive targeting & recommendations
  • Personalization capabilities


  • Can be overwhelming for small teams
  • Flexible pricing, but focus on enterprise-level companies


How we approach A/B testing

At HawkSEM, we give A/B testing the attention it really deserves. Our strategy is spearheaded by senior managers boasting 5-10+ years of experience. These seasoned professionals invest time in understanding the target audience — so we can tailor tests to their preferences and behaviors.

What truly makes HawkSEM unique is our proprietary marketing platform, ConversionIQ — designed to allow us to pinpoint which A/B test is delivering the highest Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) and identify which specific elements of the test drive those results.

Before the introduction of ConversionIQ, clients like Microsoft and Datadog were generating a solid volume of leads — but many of them lacked genuine revenue intent. ConversionIQ closed the gap between marketing qualified leads and actual revenue, discovering that long-tail, low-volume keywords were the real revenue drivers. With this insight, our clients overhauled their campaigns and optimized their budget allocation to maximize ROAS.

A/B testing is critical. But without the right tools, it can feel like straight-up guessing. With HawkSEM, you get seasoned experts and our proprietary ConversionIQ technology — giving you a process for your A/B tests so you can pinpoint the exact tests that deliver results.

If you’re ready to elevate your A/B testing strategy and truly understand your audience’s journey, HawkSEM’s ConversionIQ is the solution you’ve been searching for.

The takeaway

A/B testing is more than just a digital marketing tactic; it’s a cornerstone for businesses that want to thrive. The process, while invaluable, is fraught with challenges — from selecting the right elements to test, and ensuring significant sample sizes, to interpreting results holistically.

The journey of continuous testing and optimization can seem daunting. But you don’t have to navigate these waters alone.

The digital marketing specialists at HawkSEM are adept at turning these challenges into opportunities. With expertise in A/B testing, webpage optimization, and a keen understanding of user behavior, we’re poised to elevate your online strategy.

Ready to harness the power of data-driven insights? Reach out to HawkSEM today and embark on a journey towards evidence-based, customer-centric growth.

Chris Collins

Chris Collins

Chris Collins works with growing B2B companies like SwipeGuide, Smart Panda Labs, Meadow, and Canonical to nail their positioning and messaging so they can stand out from the competition and scale faster. He brings a strategist's mindset to copywriting, leveraging customer research and consumer psychology to craft messaging that gets results. An obsessive reader and reluctant runner, Chris is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.