Google Ads scripts help you maximize return on ad spend by ensuring you waste less budget, make timely adjustments, and evaluate data effectively. Here are the top 11 we use every day.

What are Google Ad scripts?

Google Ad Scripts are snippets of code that automate and optimize Google Ads campaigns. They serve to simplify complex tasks, enhance efficiency, and streamline campaign management. 

They can help you automate bulk actions like adding negative keywords, tweaking bids, and compiling data in Google Sheets.

How Google Ads scripts work

Ad scripts operate within the Google Ads platform. You can create your own scripts using Javascript or simply make use of the thousands that already have been developed.

They execute predefined actions or changes to campaigns based on specified conditions. They usually serve to automate repetitive tasks or pull additional data from campaigns and, in doing so, can help marketers save time and ensure consistent performance in their ads.

Key features and capabilities

Google Ads scripts offer diverse functionalities that include things like bid management, ad customizations, and data analysis. They can generate heatmaps and write ad copy, or even make changes to Gmail and Shopping campaigns.

They empower marketers to tailor campaigns, adjust bids dynamically, and respond quickly to changing market conditions. 

The introduction of the mutate function in 2023 has given it even more power as you now can divide between Google Ads scripts and the Google Ads API.

This integration allows you to directly manipulate and oversee nearly every aspect of your Google Ads account. It brings a level of sophistication that was once exclusive to those interacting directly with the API.

With the ability to manipulate all of these campaign elements programmatically, these scripts provide a powerful tool for optimizing your ads.

Top Google Ad Scripts list

Here are 11 of our favorite Google Ad scripts (in no particular order) that will save you time and money in your ad management.

 1. N-Gram script>


The N-Gram script is a linguistic marvel that analyzes search queries and identifies patterns to optimize your keyword bid strategy. It breaks down user queries to reveal nuanced keyword insights.

Use cases and benefits

Uncover hidden gems in long-tail keywords, enhance ad relevance, and improve Quality Scores. You can use this script to uncover new keywords and new negative keywords that will help you build more optimized campaigns.


Let’s imagine you are an online shoe seller. The N-Gram script could reveal search terms that users frequently use for specific features like “waterproof running shoes” or “vegan-leather sneakers.” 

With this insight, you could create targeted ad groups and craft ad copy that resonates with users’ preferences. This will then lead to increased click-through rates (CTR) and lower cost per action (CPA).

 2. Quality Score tracker


Keep an eye on your Quality Scores with this script that monitors and reports changes in real time. It tracks the factors influencing your Quality Score so that you can react rapidly to any changes.

Use cases

Identify areas for improvement, refine ad copy, and allocate budgets wisely based on keyword performance.


Imagine you own an insurance company that has various ad campaigns. The Quality Score Tracker script could highlight a drop in Quality Score for certain keywords.

This Google Ads script allows you to see changes in real-time and quickly react to the issues. You can then find the issue and make changes to improve things like ad relevance and landing page experience. This will ensure a higher ad rank and reduce the cost per click, ultimately optimizing the overall campaign performance.

 3. Weather-based campaign management


Adjust ad campaigns based on meteorological conditions and tailor your message to match current weather patterns. It uses a Google spreadsheet to set bid modifier rules and external data from the OpenWeatherMap API to gather data and make adjustments.

Use cases

Modify bids and targeting for weather-specific consumer behavior and enhance relevancy.


You run a travel agency that uses the Weather-based campaign management Google Ad script. As winter approaches, the script could automatically increase bids and display ads promoting warm-weather destinations when the user’s location experiences a cold spell. 

This dynamic reaction to the weather ensures that your Google Ads align with the audience’s current wants and needs, which should result in higher engagement and conversion rates.

 4. Display excluder>


Take control of where your display ads appear on the Google Display Network by excluding specific websites.

Use cases

This helps you safeguard your brand reputation, improve ad relevance, and enhance overall campaign performance.


An upscale fashion brand might use the Display Excluder Google Ads script to prevent its ads from displaying on websites associated with low-quality content or counterfeit goods. 

By excluding these sites, the brand maintains its “premium” image, avoids irrelevant clicks, and ensures that its ads are displayed in environments where its target audience would spend time.

 5. “0” Impressions Pause


Automatically pause keywords or ads that fail to generate impressions to prevent wasted budget.

Use cases

Optimize budget allocation, improve ad relevance, and streamline campaign performance.


Imagine that you own a tech company that is about to launch a new product. You might use the “0” Impressions Pause script to improve your budget allocation around the product launch as you test your PPC strategy for this new product.

If certain keywords fail to generate impressions within a set timeframe, the script will automatically pause them. This allows the marketing team to redirect that budget towards keywords that are driving meaningful traffic and conversions.

 6. 24/7 Bidding


Improve your bidding strategy with 24/7 bidding. This script ensures your bids are always competitive by adjusting them in real-time based on performance and market conditions. This one works on both Google Shopping and Search.

Use cases

Maximize visibility during peak hours, optimize budget allocation, and outpace competitors.


An ecommerce giant could use the 24/7 Bidding script during major sales events. 

The script will increase bids to secure top ad placements as user activity surges. This ensures the brand remains prominent and visible, which capitalizes on heightened customer interest.

 7. Ad spend report script


Gain a comprehensive overview of your ad spend across campaigns, ad groups, and keywords.

Use cases

Identify budget drains, allocate resources efficiently, and optimize ROI.


A multinational ecommerce store might use the Ad Spend Report Script to assess the performance of various product categories. 

With the insights that this Google Ad script provides, it can examine which categories yield the highest returns. The ecommerce store can then allocate budgets more strategically to maximize profitability and minimize wasted ad spend.


(Image: Unsplash)

 8. Account performance report


Dive deep into the performance metrics of your ads to help drive data-driven optimizations. This script begins its process by creating a copy of the template spreadsheet, and the data values are inserted into the report sheet. 

Every time the script executes, a new ad performance report

Use cases

Uncover high-performing ad creatives, refine targeting strategies, and boost overall campaign effectiveness.


A software company could leverage the Ad Performance Report script to analyze different ad variations that promote the same product. 

With the ad script, it can identify which ad creatives resonate most with the target audience. The company can refine its messaging strategy, and edit its ad copy in line with the best-performing ads, which should lead to improved ad engagement and conversion rates.

 9. Low Quality Score keywords report


Identify and address low-quality score keywords swiftly to enhance overall campaign performance.

Use cases

Improve ad relevance, boost Quality Scores, and reduce ad spend on underperforming keywords.


A travel agency can use the low Quality Score keywords report script to discover if any destination-related keywords have low Quality Scores. 

It can then refine ad copy and landing pages based on the findings. This will improve the scores, resulting in higher ad positions and increased visibility for their travel offerings.

 10. Search query report


Uncover valuable insights into user search queries to refine keyword targeting and ad copy.

Use cases

Enhance ad relevance, minimize irrelevant clicks, and uncover new keyword opportunities.


An online bookstore that uses the Search query report script might find that users frequently search for book recommendations within a specific genre. 

The bookstore can capture a niche audience by creating targeted ads around these queries. This will lead to higher conversion rates and increased book sales.

 11. Rotate ad copy


This script takes your A/B testing to a new level by automating the rotation of ad copy variations. 

It simplifies the testing process, making identifying the most effective ad messaging easier.

Use cases

Streamline A/B testing processes, identify winning ad copy variations, and improve overall ad performance.


A SaaS company could use the Rotating ad copy Script to test different value propositions in their ads. By automating the rotation of ad copies, they can quickly identify which messages resonate most with their target audience. 

This insight enables them to continuously optimize their ad content and improve their return on ad spend (ROAS).

Why you need Google Ad scripts

If the incredible use cases of the Google Ad scripts we listed above don’t convince you, here are more reasons why you should start implementing ad scripts as part of your PPC strategy. 

HawkSEM’s Director of Marketing Operations Jenny Palmer explains, “Google Ads scripts may seem intimidating if you don’t have a development background, but there are tons of free scripts out there that have already been written that are very easy to implement.”

She recommends starting with the Google Script Library and doing a Google Search if you don’t find what you need in the library.

Greater efficiency

Time is money when it comes to digital marketing. Every marketing manager is overwhelmed by the number of tasks they have to do. This is often exacerbated when you are running multiple Google Ads campaigns or large accounts.

Google Ad scripts act as your marketing team’s virtual marketing assistant. They take all of those time-consuming tasks that you don’t want to do and automate them. This frees up valuable time for strategic decision-making. 

Imagine the time you could save by automatically adjusting bids based on performance data or pausing underperforming keywords. You can save hours by automating these actions. 

So what happens when you start using Google Ad scripts? You can focus on high-level strategy and creative ideas while being sure that your campaigns stay dynamic and responsive to ever-changing market conditions.

Precision targeting

At the heart of a successful ad campaign lies a great targeting strategy that focuses on the right audience with the right message. 

Google Ad Scripts can take that precision targeting to a new level. When you automate bid adjustments, ad scheduling, audience targeting, and scanning for negative keyword conflicts, you can ensure your ads are presented to the most relevant users at the optimal times. 

This fine-tuned control over your ads allows you to tailor your approach based on user behavior, demographics, and even external factors like weather conditions. In turn, your more accurate targeting will result in more conversions, greater relevance, and lower cost per click (CPC).

Greater ROAS

Every marketer understands the importance of a well-optimized budget. Google Ad Scripts are the secret weapon for achieving a lower CPC, preventing wasted ad spend, and improving overall ROAS. 

By automatically adjusting bids, pausing low-performing elements, and providing detailed spend reports, Google Ad scripts give you the power to make data-driven decisions. 

Management at the manager account (MCC) level

Some scripts can be run at the MCC level, making managing multiple accounts much easier. Scripts like the link checker and budget scripts can be run at this level and send notifications to you. Wouldn’t be much easier to get an email than to check 20 accounts individually?

Google Ad scripts FAQs

What are Google Ad scripts?

Google Ad scripts are snippets of JavaScript code that automate and enhance Google Ads campaign management. These scripts can perform various tasks like adjusting bids, pausing underperforming ads, generating detailed reports, and streamlining the optimization process for advertisers.

How do I get Google Ads scripts?

You can access Google Ads scripts directly within the Google Ads platform. Go to the “Tools & Settings” menu, select “Scripts,” and create a custom script or paste your desired script into the editor.

What is the new script experience in Google Ads?

The new script experience in Google Ads offers an improved interface and additional features for script management. This makes it easier for advertisers to create, edit, and organize their scripts.

What is the difference between rules and scripts in Google Ads?

Rules in Google Ads are predefined conditions that automatically take specific actions. Scripts provide a more customized and flexible approach that allows advertisers to write their own JavaScript code to perform tailored automation tasks.

What are the benefits of using Google Ad scripts?

Using Google Ad Scripts provides streamlined efficiency, precision targeting, cost optimization, a competitive edge, and better A/B testing, which all enhance overall campaign performance.

“Google Ads scripts can really help with efficiency in accounts as well as monitoring performance or possible concerns 24/7,” Palmer says.

She goes on to explain how some scripts pull data that could take someone hours to export and format. “They can also flag potential issues in the account, like a drop-off in conversions/clicks or broken URLs,” she says.

What are the challenges?

While Google Ads scripts solve many challenges, they do present some others. If you’re not a coder, it may be difficult for you. Also, not all scripts you find in a Google Search will function as expected.

“For somebody who doesn’t have a development background, you may run into issues if the script is not compatible with a new script experience,” says Palmer. “You may also have a hard time customizing the script to fit your needs unless you are familiar with JavaScript.”

What do I need to use Google Ads scripts?

To use Google Ads scripts, you need a Google Ads account, basic knowledge of JavaScript, and access to the “Scripts” section within the Google Ads interface. No external tools or software are required, which makes it accessible to marketers with varying technical knowledge.

The takeaway

Google Ad Scripts in your ad strategy isn’t just a choice; it’s a necessity. From time-saving automation to precision targeting, cost optimization, and facilitating continuous improvement through A/B testing, these scripts are the keys to making the most out of your Google Ads campaigns. 

For any marketer who wants to get the highest possible ROAS for their campaigns, Google Ad Scripts are the tools that will elevate those campaigns from good to exceptional.

Shire Lyon

Shire Lyon

Shire is a passionate writer and marketer with over eight years of experience as a writer and digital marketer. She's well-versed in SEO, PPC, and social media, helping businesses both big and small grow and scale. On her downtime, she enjoys hiking, cooking, gardening, reading, and sailing.