Learn how to create high-converting SaaS landing pages using these 14 examples from top SaaS companies. Plus, explore our expert tips and top tools to build better landing pages for your campaigns.

If software as a service (SaaS) is your primary offering, but you aren’t getting as many leads as you hoped, it’s time to renovate your landing page strategy.

There are multiple reasons your pages may not be performing well. But before tediously researching the reasons you’re experiencing low conversion rates, check the elements of your landing page to see what’s missing.

When constructed well, SaaS landing pages become successful customer acquisition funnels. They should communicate the software’s finest selling points, improve user engagement, and drive company growth.

So how do you construct the perfect SaaS landing page or even homepage to get more sales? We’ll offer tips and show landing page examples from SaaS companies.

What is a SaaS landing page?

A SaaS landing page is a standalone web page designed for marketing SaaS products. It differs from a single focus or goal because it’s more call-to-action (CTA) focused. The page is structured to provide a value proposition and convert a web user into a lead by encouraging actions like:

  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Scheduling a product demo
  • Downloading a white paper
  • Directly subscribing to the service

A successful B2B landing page has numerous people taking action, contributing to your conversion rate.

SaaS landing pages are important for a number of reasons. They can:

  • Focus your message
  • Create a lasting first impression
  • Support SEO and conversion goals
  • Act as a performance measure
  • Provide insights for A/B testing
  • Forge educational pathways

SaaS landing pages differ from regular landing pages: content tends to be more substantial for complex products. Unlike a normal landing page, a SaaS landing page must explain complicated benefits, features, and inner workings.

What’s the average SaaS landing page conversion rate?

SaaS landing page conversion rates vary depending on multiple factors. For instance, your target audience, SaaS landing page design, and traffic quality.

According to data produced by Wordstream, a SaaS landing page’s average conversion rate sits around 2.35%. However, the top 25% of SaaS companies in the industry convert around 5.31%. So it’s safe to say the average conversion rate falls between 2% and 5%.

“Landing pages are a vital part of the conversion funnel,” explains Sam Yadegar, CEO of HawkSEM. “It’s the main collateral that turns a visitor into a customer. You want to make sure you or whoever is managing marketing campaigns for your business is savvy to landing pages and puts a lot of time and emphasis on ensuring they are high converting.”

In addition to the examples the writers put together, it’s crucial to track the performance of these ecommerce landing pages to ensure high ROAs. We do this with ConversionIQ (CIQ).”

ConversionIQ is a tool that helps discover top-performing keywords to optimize your campaigns and boost conversions, sales, and leads. If you’re getting a lot of leads, it pinpoints which customers generate the most revenue.

For CTR tips, follow conversion rate optimization trends or check out this article on how to improve CTR.

What elements are included in SaaS landing page design?

There are dozens of best practices for building an effective SaaS landing page. Do you have to implement them all? Not quite — but we recommend including as many of the following elements to create a robust landing page:

Some of the aspects you might find on a successful SaaS landing page include:

  • Headers and subheaders
  • Hero image or video
  • Features and benefits
  • Call-to-action (CTA)
  • Explainer text or video
  • Pricing page information
  • Contact information
  • Pop-ups
  • Social media handles
  • FAQs
  • Integrations
  • Security and compliance badges
  • Footer
  • Live chat or support widget
  • Logos from proud users
  • Trust seals
  • Interactive elements
  • Guarantees

“We use CIQ to granularity track the performance of SaaS campaigns, specifically the landing page performance, to ensure we achieve a high ROAS,” shares Rambod Yadegar, President of HawkSEM. “CIQ allows us to see which LP’s and specifically what aspects to those LP’s are creating the uplift in performance. From there, we can set a clear path to a higher ROAS.”

CIQ determines the lead quality and/or the lifetime value of a customer and ties that back to the landing page they arrived on.

14 SaaS landing page examples

Next, we’ll show you SaaS landing page inspirations that wowed us. We’ll also point out the key elements that make them work.

1. Moz

A detailed screenshot of Moz's SaaS landing page.

Moz’s landing page starts off strong with a simple hero section and five well-known brands using its product. Doing this creates credibility, and entices the user to read on.

Scrolling down, you’ll see an explainer video briefly telling the reader about its product, and below that are the six main features of the Moz tool. The compelling headlines, snappy copy, clear images, and bright CTA buttons beautifully showcase the benefits and features and entice action.

Their final seal of approval is social proof — customer testimonials and awards prove this product is

2. Asana

A screenshot the SaaS landing page on Asana's website.

Asana begins with a large headline promising to “Simplify task management” and two CTAs to see a demo and learn more. In the bottom right corner, a chatbot is on standby to answer any questions potential customers have. As you scroll, there are apps available for integration, featured templates, and real case studies.

Continue scrolling and you’ll find information about the product features and strong stats reinforcing its brand as the #1 tool for managing tasks. There are also strategic CTA placements, an FAQ section, and page animations that make this product enjoyable.

3. Shopify

Shopify's example of a SaaS landing page on their website.

Shopify, like Asana, uses a bold headline that sticks out to users right away. It starts its ecommerce landing page with an easy way to sign up for a free trial. Below, there’s a section displaying the three simple steps to setting up a Shopify website. After moving beyond this section, there’s a list of popular brands using Asana and helpful reviews from users.

Before the bottom of the page is a list of FAQs and a final CTA encouraging users to get started. This page’s unique feature is the secondary header telling users about a three-month trial for just $1 a month, which is a huge selling point for new businesses.

4. Semrush

Semrush's example of a SaaS landing page on their website.

This Semrush SaaS landing page leads with bold colors and headlines that catch your eye while touching on every company’s desire: to beat the competition in less time. Semrush’s elegant page design shows loyal brands beating their competitors and a tabbed table to browse through service offerings. Its sticky header maintains the logo and a CTA visitors can click any time.

It follows the service offerings with a list of data statistics to impress prospects. It also uses bold headlines, high-resolution images, and short copy to emphasize its features and benefits. The end of the page features scrolling reviews and a bright orange CTA waiting to be clicked.

5. Honeybook

An example of a SaaS landing page on the Honeybook website.

Honeybook’s SaaS landing page is just as simple and straightforward as the rest. From the beginning, the arrow directs the potential freelancers downward, inviting them to explore information about its service.

There’s an interactive section where users can hover over a specific feature to learn more about it. Below, there’s a section full of positive reviews from happy customers using Honeybook. Before the end of the page, there are examples of templates freelancers can use to submit proposals to potential clients. The page ends with a row of companies using Honeybook and a generous 50% offer and CTA for a free trial.

6. Airtable

An example of SaaS landing page created by Airtable.

Airtable’s landing page begins with an easy-to-complete form inviting visitors to join an upcoming webinar on how to use their product. This Saas landing page is very short and designed specifically to capture leads.

At the top of the page, there’s a sticky header available in case the user wants to skip the webinar and go straight to using Airtable. Although brief, it still fits four brand logos to showcase who’s currently using its platform.

7. Docusign

A screenshot of a Docusign SaaS landing page.

DocuSign’s SaaS landing page starts with interactive images, a colorful header, and a CTA inviting visitors to explore the product. Right away, there’s an explainer video detailing the wonders of its product, followed by a banner of loyal brands.

It uses bright brand colors to highlight important information while breaking sections into bite-sized pieces. DocuSign communicates the complexity of its product using images and stats. The sticky header offers a CTA to try the product for free while a chatbot in the bottom right awaits any questions a prospect might have.

8. Grammarly

A screenshot example of a SaaS landing page on Grammarly's website.

Grammarly’s unique header opts out of showing a hero image and instead uses gif-style media to quickly showcase its product’s main function. In a few seconds, the user knows exactly what the product does without even scrolling.

Even without fun designs and transitions, Grammarly educates users on the product features by using images, text, and white space. Although a simple page, it’s informative and tells users what they need to know instantly.

9. Notion

An example of Slack's SaaS landing page.

Notion’s minimalistic SaaS landing page is black and white with pops of color to emphasize its main features. The page incorporates a large headline explaining what users can do with its service. Hovering over each card shows users brief snippets of information allowing them to further explore Notion’s offerings.

Below is a section full of brands using Notion to enhance their SaaS business, and bold headlines about cutting costs, global impact, and templates for usage. Sprinkled throughout the page are positive reviews from users to help influence a potential customer’s buying decision.

10. Zoom

A screenshot of a SaaS landing page on the Zoom website.

Similar to Airtable, Zoom’s SaaS landing page gets straight to the point by inviting a user to fill out an online form. After scrolling down, there’s a tabbed section allowing them to select and learn more about each unique feature of Zoom.

Then there’s a plethora of logos of brands that use Zoom and customer satisfaction endorsements from users in the IT industry and others. Like the Airtable page, Zoom’s landing page is short, with a final CTA to contact the sales team for more information.

11. Salesforce

An example of a SaaS landing page on the Salesforce website.

Salesforce’s minimalistic and playful page gives users a chance to explore all the products Salesforce has to offer. It highlights how leading sales teams directly benefit from its products and how sales teams can sell faster, smarter, and more efficiently.

Before you reach the bottom of the page, there are multiple “learn more” CTAs introduced to help the user start their journey with Salesforce. Its page also boasts learning resources to help any Salesforce user succeed. And finally, it offers three avenues for completing a conversion, like getting in touch with an expert, requesting a call, or signing up for a newsletter.

12. Monday.com

An screenshot of Monday.com's SaaS landing page.

A unique feature on the Monday.com landing page is that it allows users to select what tasks they’d like to manage better. This subtle CTA, invites the user to interact with the page and explore available solutions. Beneath is its social proof: a long line of loyal brands that use its product.

Interactive card-like elements pop up upon each scroll that speak directly to its main services while offering a CTA to explore the feature. After scrolling past the cards, there are stunning stats that emphasize the increase in productivity due to time saved. Mondy.com finishes strong with a row of accolades and a final CTA to “Get started.”

13. Zendesk

An example of Zendesk's Saas landing page.

Zendesk’s landing page starts with a unique entry page asking for your company’s size to better direct your needs. After choosing an option, a form appears for you to submit your email to see a demo.

Upon scrolling down, it presents accolades for best-voted software. A bold header launches prospects into an interactive tabbed section to learn more about its features. It then follows up with helpful reviews from satisfied customers and productivity stats. At the end, there’s a simple CTA and a final option to view the demo.

14. Paylocity

An screenshot of Paylocity's Saas landing page.

Paylocity’s SaaS landing page begins with a signup form offering the visitor to request a demo. Even if the user doesn’t sign up, the “Request a Demo” button stays on page as they scroll. It uses a bold headline and bright colors to emphasize the main features of their product to educate the user while providing CTAs throughout.

At the end of the page, Paylocity displays their accolades, raving reviews, and resources along with a list of tools they can access after subscribing with Paylocity.

Tips for a high-converting SaaS landing page

Now that you’ve seen some of the best SaaS landing page examples, here are tips to hit that 2% to 5% conversion rate.

Create engaging headlines

Your headlines should be short, sweet, and punchy. You have seconds to grab the user’s attention, so make those headlines clear, and informative. Here are example headlines that hook the reader and touch on pain points:

  • “Beat the Competition in Less Time” – Semrush
  • “Elevate Your Work with Effortless Writing” – Grammarly
  • “Accelerate Growth with Trusted AI” – Salesforce
  • “Avoid Distractions with App Integrations” – Asana

Each one addresses a pain point or a need which could increase the likelihood of grabbing a user’s attention.

Add clear CTAs

Reaching the end of a landing page and having no further guidance tells visitors to leave without converting. Instead, incorporate CTAs to keep the ball rolling. But don’t use plain links — make your CTAs stand out with colorful, large buttons.

Some clear and actionable CTAs are:

  • “Start your free trial” – Zendesk
  • “Let’s talk” – Lever
  • “Get started” – Monday.com
  • “Take action” – Patagonia
  • “Secure your seat” – Booking.com

Incorporate trust signals

Ninety-eight percent of people say they make purchasing decisions based on recommendations from others. Be sure to include testimonials, reviews, and success stories on your landing page to build trust. Including brand logos of the clients you work with can also build credibility.

Optimize for mobile

A responsive mobile SaaS website ensures accessibility and usability for all devices. A mobile-friendly site should have things like:

  • Responsive page versions depending on the device
  • Readable buttons, headers, and text
  • Easy-to-tap elements
  • Subtle pop-ups
  • Faster load times
  • Search functionality
  • Optimized images and videos

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, get in touch with your developer to make those fixes.

Simplify forms

Avoid creating long and intimidating forms that might bore the user. For example, B2B companies don’t always need to collect addresses, birthdays, ages, or similar information to start nurturing a lead. Having a company name, full name, and email address would suffice in this instance. Make it simple — collect only information that matches your goals, otherwise, you may risk losing the lead.

Build an eye-catching design

Sad to say, people can be fickle when it comes to appearance. This makes it imperative to have a stunning website design to keep users engaged. Use captivating colors, high-resolution images, and readable fonts.

Use relevant content

To create relevant content, address pain points, and provide stats and facts to emphasize the solution. Use case studies and reviews to uplift the product and display how it’s the solution to their problem. Researching your user to understand their needs will aid in this area.

For example, you wouldn’t target a small business owner looking for beginner graphic design tools with a master-certificate-level Adobe courses. You’d want to promote easy-to-use graphic design tools that nix the steep learning curves that come with tools like Adobe.

Keep offering value and insight with every scroll so the only logical choice is to invest in your product.

The best SaaS landing page builders

So maybe you understand what a SaaS landing page needs to succeed, but you’re not an expert in crafting one.

Don’t worry. Landing page templates and tools are available to help you create a high-converting landing page with no design or code knowledge needed.

Each tool in our list offers templates to simplify and speed up the landing page-building process.

  1. Unbounce
  2. Leadpages
  3. Instapage
  4. Clickfunnels

1. Unbounce

Unbounce is a drag-and-drop page builder that helps you build complex pages. The platform starts at $99 a month for its essential plan. Its more advanced subscriptions have offerings.

Features you’ll find in an Unbounce Launch subscription include unlimited landing pages, AI copywriting, 20,000 visitors, and support for 500 conversions. You can acquire more conversions, domains, and more visitors with higher tiers.


  • A/B testing capabilities
  • Text auto-correct for PPC campaigns
  • Plethora of customizable templates
  • Integration capabilities with CRMs and marketing tools


  • Price might be too high for small businesses or all-in-one marketers
  • Requires a learning curve for new users

Unbounce is the preferred option for marketers and businesses with a focus on optimizing and improving their conversion rates. And it’s particularly useful for people creating test landing pages.

2. Leadpages

Unlike Unbounce, Leadpages is less than half the cost for its lowest tier subscription at $37 per month. Leadpages offers AI-engine headlines and images, access to 90+ integrations, and a drag-and-drop builder.


  • More affordable than competitors
  • Includes unlimited website traffic and leads
  • Over 250 templates to choose from
  • Built-in conversion tools


  • Landing page testing options are limited
  • Some users have critiques for outdated templates

Leadpages is ideal for small businesses with a tight budget, making this the simplest and most cost-effective solution around.

3. Instapage

Instapage is the most expensive of the four options at $199/mo. The reason is it’s a sophisticated SaaS landing page builder with advanced features — like AI experimentation, heatmaps, custom fonts, and conversion consulting, to name a few — perfect for marketers with high SaaS marketing budgets.


  • Focuses on team collaboration and agency use
  • Provides heatmaps to analyze a user’s behavior
  • Offers detailed A/B testing and analytics tools


  • Limited number of published landing pages allowed with core plan
  • Expensive for marketers or agencies with lower budgets

Despite its price, Instapage remains one of the better solutions for companies requiring real-time collaboration and detailed analytics.

4. ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is suitable for users wanting comprehensive and effective landing pages. Its lowest subscription starts at $97 a month for the basic plan and for one website includes up to 20 funnels, 10,000 contacts, and unlimited pages, courses, workflows, products, and email sequences.


  • Heavy focus on building complete sales funnels, not just landing pages
  • Includes affiliate manager and email autoresponder (if subscribed to higher tiers)
  • Hosts a large community of users and a variety of learning resources


  • On the expensive side
  • Users report a high learning curve that affects productivity

Clickfunnels is a crowd favorite with entrepreneurs and businesses looking to build landing pages and improve their funnel strategy.

The takeaway

A well-crafted SaaS landing page must go beyond aesthetics and become a strategic tool tailored to address the complexity of your products. It should engage customers and guide them towards a clear call to action.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a SaaS startup looking to gain traction, this guide equips you with the best practices and inspires with real-world industry examples. Armed with this knowledge, you’re now better prepared to create a SaaS landing page that stands out, converts, and gives your product the attention it deserves.

If you require further assistance or advice on building SaaS landing pages, contact HawkSEM for a free consultation.

Kelly Branyik

Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a writer, author, and world traveler. She’s a published author of two books and several Colorado publications with experience in digital marketing, content creation, SEO, and website design. She writes about all the lives she could be living, speaks Mandarin Chinese, and reads anything she can get her hands on.