
We’re a Top-Tier Team According to Google Partners

98% Client Retention Rate

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Over 3M+ first-page rankings

SEM Consulting Deliverables

SEM consultants strive to deliver comprehensive, data-driven solutions that drive measurable results to help you achieve your marketing goals. Deliverables will likely vary depending on your specific needs and the scope of the project.

Here are some deliverables you can expect from an SEM consultant:

Campaign strategy and planning

SEM consultants develop strategic plans for campaigns based on client objectives, budget constraints, and competitive analysis. This includes defining campaign goals, targeting criteria, bidding strategies, ad formats, and messaging.

Keyword research and analysis

SEM consultants conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant search terms that align with the client’s business goals and target audience.

They then analyze factors such as search volume, competition, and user intent to develop a comprehensive list of targeted keywords for use in SEM campaigns.

Ad copywriting and creative development

SEM consultants can help create compelling ad copy and other creative assets that resonate with your target audience and drive engagement.

This includes persuasive headlines, ad descriptions, and calls-to-action (CTAs), and more to encourage clicks and conversions.

Campaign setup and implementation

SEM consultants set up and configure SEM campaigns across various advertising platforms, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, or social media platforms. This includes creating campaign structures, ad groups, ad extensions, and targeting parameters.

Bid management and optimization

SEM consultants monitor and adjust bidding strategies to optimize campaign performance and maximize return on investment (ROI). They’ll analyze key performance metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition (CPA) to identify opportunities for improvement.

Keyword and ad copy testing

Consultants will help conduct A/B testing of keywords and ad copy to identify the most effective messaging and creative elements. This includes variations of headlines, descriptions, and CTAs to determine which combinations drive the highest engagement and conversion rates.

Performance reporting and analysis

Consultants will also provide regular reporting on campaign performance, including insights into key metrics, trends, and actionable recommendations for improvement. A big component of this includes using data visualization tools and dashboards to present performance data in a clear and understandable format.

Ongoing optimization and maintenance

SEM consultants continuously monitor and optimize campaigns to ensure they are meeting performance goals and delivering maximum ROI. This includes making adjustments to keyword targeting, bidding strategies, ad copy, and landing pages based on performance data and market dynamics.

SEM Consultant Pricing

Pricing can vary pretty widely for SEM consulting services. Here’s a good guideline to get you started:


Our pricing starts here


Full-service SEM consulting


Larger brands who need more resources

These are a few things we consider when determining costs:

  • Business goals
  • Speed (desired time to goal)
  • Competition
  • Account size
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No Contracts Here

We don’t do contracts – we believe the best way to earn your trust is through helping to produce great results and building a great relationship.

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Detailed Plan Before Working Together

We offer a free audit of your existing digital footprint and provide a detailed plan before we begin working together.

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Zero Setup Fees

Other agencies charge upfront for account setup – we don’t do that here at HawkSEM.

Timeline: How Long Does it Take to See Results?

Once implemented, it typically takes about 2-3 months to start seeing SEM results. Of course, digital marketing isn’t a sprint – it’s a marathon. To stand the test of time, you need a good action plan.

Core Phase (0-3 months)

Here is where we help you establish a foundation. We’ll research, create benchmarks, and look for some “quick wins” to start you off strong.

Amplification Phase (4-8 months)

After that, we create predictability. We’ll optimize where we can and determine how to defend (and boost) your position in the marketplace.

Domination Phase (9-12+ months)

Finally, we dig into expansion, market leadership, and scaling through increased impression share and more.

Who We Help

We’ve been empowering our clients to crush their marketing goals for over a decade. Our customer base includes companies of all sizes and across all industries – here are just some of the niches we work with.

HawkSEM CEO at desk during meeting
The HawkSEM Difference

Award-winning SEM management doesn’t just happen. At HawkSEM, our clients’ success is made possible with our years of experience coupled with our proven process.

Here’s what that process looks like:

  • Audit
  • Strategize
  • Buildout
  • Optimize
  • Report
  • Thrive

1. Audit

Our partnerships always begin with a thorough audit of your existing marketing campaigns. With more than fifteen years in the industry, we’ve developed a thorough checklist to zero in on where improvement opportunities exist.

Part of your audit also includes learning about your business and your goals. Aside from an in-depth discussion with your team, we conduct:

  • Website optimization opportunities
  • Content gaps
  • Assets you might need for your campaigns
  • Current bidding strategies
  • Keywords
  • Tracking setup

After accumulating a book’s worth of information about your business, we’ll provide you with a list of suggestions to improve your SEM campaigns immediately.

This marketing plan is yours to keep, even if you choose not to partner with us.

But we’re just getting started.

2. Strategize

With your goals and challenges in front of us, it’s time for the team to get to work on your custom SEM strategy. This in-depth proposal fills you in on the “why” behind our suggestions, the “how” for implementation, and ongoing projections.

Client strategies are unique and crafted specifically for your unique objectives.

3. Buildout

Once you approve our proposed strategy, the building begins! A typical SEM buildout process includes:

  • Content planning
  • Backlink cleanup
  • Google Search Console & Analytics setup
  • 404 error resolution & redirects
  • Schema markup implementation
  • Conversion tracking setup
  • Building well-structured ad groups with relevant keywords
  • Building negative keyword lists
  • Selecting the best bidding strategies
  • Remarketing setup
  • Crafting appealing ad copy
  • Optimizing landing pages
  • Strong calls to action (CTA)
  • A/B testing setup
  • Connecting your marketing channels inside ConversionIQ

Remember, each strategy and buildout is different. But this hopefully gives you an idea of the steps we take to ensure your campaigns are locked and loaded and ready to thrive.

4. Optimize

Once your SEO and PPC campaigns are live and rockin’, the real work begins. Our team gathers valuable performance data and executes optimizations to reach maximum success.
For PPC, optimizations happen within a week or two of taking their campaigns live and include:

  • A/B testing keyword variations, landing pages, & assets
  • Refreshing ad copy, assets, & formats
  • Updating negative keyword lists
  • New match types
  • Conversion rate optimizations
  • Bid strategy adjustments
  • Improving Quality Score
  • Checking languages & locations

Search engine optimizations generally take a little longer but pay off big time when your website starts taking that number-one spot organically.

5. Report

Lots of SEM consultants emphasize the initial strategy without tending to the follow-through.

But because so much of what markers do is behind the scenes, clients need regular communication and reporting to feel confident that their consultant isn’t taking their money and running.

At HawkSEM, client reports are always:

  • Regularly recurring
  • On time
  • Easy to understand
  • Answer to the KPIs that matter most to you
  • Accessible anytime with ConversionIQ

This is why our clients feel empowered when they partner with us. With no uncertainty and a whole lot of flexibility, we work with your schedule and on your terms. We know that while some clients prefer emails, others prefer phone calls, video chats, or a quick pre-recorded update.

Whatever frequency or method you prefer, we take it upon ourselves to fit effortlessly into your business operations.

6. Thrive

Build, test, optimize, repeat!

It’s a proven process to launch you to success.

Results From Our Clients

DirecTV Logo

7x increased conversions

Datadog Logo

Doubled lead volume

686 Logo

Increased revenue 562%

Honda Logo

Increased organic sessions by 200%

Increased Engagement 20%

Dilo Logo

Nearly doubled Google impressions in just 3 months

Meet the Minds Behind the Madness

We make things happen, but
don't take our word for it.

Rave reviews from our lovely clients...

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ConversionIQ Logo

The ConversionIQ System: Our smart way of marketing to drive more revenue.

ConversionIQ is our proprietary methodology built to drive actionable insights, full-funnel attribution and high-quality conversions that continuously improve your bottom line.

Our ConversionIQ System

Imagine: All your marketing analytics in one centralized hub.

With the visual data for your different marketing channels right in front of your eyes, how could that change your results?

ConversionIQ, our proprietary marketing platform, makes this a reality.

A hybrid marketing tool and reporting system, ConversionIQ connects clients’ marketing channels and data tools (from Google Analytics to Facebook to Hubspot) into one easy-to-navigate dashboard.

In other words, no hopping around from one platform to another resulting in fuzzy big-picture data.

See, ConversionIQ gives you a bird’s-eye-view of what’s happening inside your multiple marketing accounts. When all those pieces of data come together in this way, it gives us a clear story of what’s working — and what isn’t.

Learn more
Woman in Conference Room on a Computer

Let’s explain a little more about what ConversionIQ does:

Unifies Your Marketing Efforts

Do you have a marketing manager who handles your email campaigns? Maybe an agency who takes care of your social media? Whether HawkSEM only manages your SEM branch or all your marketing channels, ConversionIQ allows our team to make connections across these channels to find where improvement opportunities exist in the buyer’s journey.

Reports On Your Time

ConversionIQ is an excellent tool for strategy and analysis. But it’s important to mention how much our clients appreciate the power and freedom ConversionIQ gives them to check in on their account performance and activity on their time.
No waiting around for a monthly report (although we still provide those, too). No more crafting emails asking for updates.
Just hop into your ConversionIQ account.

Optimizes Your Campaigns

We like to think of ConversionIQ as the ultimate optimization tool.
With all that data in front of our eyes, it’s possible for our team to make wildly effective optimizations to your marketing campaigns.
Here’s what we mean:
Our clients, Nike and Verizon, both drove a high volume of revenue before partnering with us at HawkSEM. The struggle? New customer acquisition costs were higher than their customer lifetime value (with little growth in net new customers).
But when we connected their campaigns inside ConversionIQ, we discovered that, while there were spikes in new customers, the order values were low and never resulted in repeat purchases.
This information allowed us to optimize their campaigns appropriately, leading to a massive increase in the lifetime value of their customers. Oh, and improve ROAS by 109%.

Man presenting with tablet

Why You Need SEM Consultant Services

If you want your online marketing to shine, you need experts with years of experience to guide the way. Even an audit from an SEM consultant provides valuable data collection and insights.

If you’ve already worked with digital marketing professionals, it could be time to switch if:

  • You’re ready to scale
  • You’re seeking to improve performance
  • You plateaued with your existing efforts
  • You manage SEM campaigns in-house but it takes too many resources
  • Your internal marketing team could use additional horsepower to level up
  • You had a disappointing experience with SEM management before but are ready to try again (with a more ROI and performance-focused agency)

From improving your conversion rate to your search engine results, the right SEM consultant can get you there.

What Does an SEM Consultant Do?

An SEM consultant provides strategy, guidance, and implementation for a brand’s SEM efforts.

SEM is an umbrella term for digital marketing strategies that increase website visibility and traffic. This can be broken into two categories:

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or paid search: a method of digital marketing where the advertiser pays a fee to the publisher (think Google Ads and Bing Ads) anytime their ad is clicked.

Search engine optimization (SEO): a method of digital marketing that improves websites to rank higher in the organic search results.

What does a PPC Specialist Do?

Helpful Resources

Whether you work with us or not, we take pride in providing awesome resources that educate and inform. That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive library of SEM resources you can access with one click.


What is Search Engine Marketing and why do I need it for my business?

SEM involves using paid advertising techniques to increase a website’s visibility on SERPs.

This is an essential tool businesses use to reach their target audience quickly and efficiently, increasing conversions and driving relevant traffic to their website.

How can SEM help increase my traffic and conversions?

Leveraging SEM strategies like keyword targeting, audience segmentation, and ad copy optimization can help drive qualified traffic to your website that’s more likely to convert into leads or sales.

How soon will I see results?

Typically, you can start seeing initial improvements in SEM performance within the first few weeks of launching campaigns. Significant results often become more apparent over time as you refine and optimize campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Of course, like most things in digital marketing, results may vary. With SEM, results depend on factors such as campaign objectives and industry competition.

Benefits of Hiring an SEM Consultant

When it comes to the nuances of digital marketing, sometimes partnering with an outside team is the best way to get the results you want.

With that in mind, here are some of the top benefits of SEM consulting services:

Saves resources and time
Managing SEM campaigns requires ongoing attention to detail. By outsourcing your marketing efforts to a consultant, you can free up valuable time and resources that can be redirected toward other core business activities.

Experience and expertise

SEM consultants are specialists, meaning they have the knowledge, skills, and experience to develop and implement super-effective strategies that align with your business goals. This expertise allows them to navigate complex advertising platforms, optimize campaigns, and stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices.

Additionally, SEM consultants often have access to advanced tools and resources that may not be available in-house, further enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategic planning and customization
Expert consultants work closely with you to understand your business objectives, target audience, and competitive landscape, allowing them to tailor their strategies to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to increase website traffic, generate leads, or drive sales, SEM consultants can develop customized solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Performance tracking and reporting
A big plus to working with an agency partner is that they’ll provide transparent and comprehensive reporting on the performance of your campaigns.
By tracking key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, cost per acquisition, and more, you get valuable insights into the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.

Maximized ROI
SEM consultants focus on driving ROI for your advertising spend. By regularly reviewing performance data and making data-driven adjustments, they’ll ensure that your campaigns are always optimized for success to help you achieve better results with lower costs.

Our Services

SEM is sort of our thing. (It’s in our name, after all.) But here’s a full breakdown of the services we offer here at HawkSEM:

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As one of the top 3% of Google Ads agencies in the country and a Microsoft Advertising Partner, PPC is our specialty.

Our PPC deliverables include:

  • Campaign strategy & execution
  • Campaign restructuring & build-outs
  • Keyword research & development
  • Retargeting, display & YouTube campaigns
  • Shopping & feed management
  • Amazon advertising
  • Ad copy creation
  • A/B testing
  • Conversion tracking setup
  • Revenue modeling and forecasts
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Strong search engine optimization leads to stronger overall digital marketing success.

From technical SEO to high-quality content creation, our SEM team is on top of the latest algorithm updates to help our clients get to the almighty first page of Google.

Our SEO deliverables include:

  • Organic traffic goal assessment
  • Link building
  • Content analysis & development
  • Keyword analysis & recommendations
  • Backlink audit, cleanup & monitoring
  • Page title & meta description optimization
  • Google Search Console & Analytics setup
  • 404 error identification, resolution & redirects
  • Site architecture analysis
  • Page speed analysis
  • Schema markup implementation
  • Algorithm impact analysis & resolution
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Paid Social

Looking to include social media in your digital marketing efforts? We gotchu.

With a team of paid social media marketing experts, HawkSEM helps clients create targeted campaigns that increase conversions and brand awareness.

Our paid social deliverables include:

  • Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, & TikTok ads
  • Campaign strategy & execution
  • Ad copy creation
  • Conversion tracking
  • Facebook pixel and LinkedIn insights tag implementation
  • Identification of key platforms & opportunities
  • Audience builds based on demographic targeting, interest targeting, email lists, & previous site visitor remarketing
  • A/B and ad format testing (video vs. single image vs. carousel)
  • Placement testing (messenger vs. stories vs. feed)
  • Bidding strategy & optimization
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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) & Landing Pages

Lots of agencies help drive traffic. HawkSEM drives conversions.

Our team of experts craft custom landing pages and conduct rigorous A/B tests that boost conversion rates. Our CRO services are built into our PPC packages and include:

  • User data gathering & research
  • Landing page design
  • Heat-mapping & scroll tracking
  • Click map tracking
  • User session recording
  • Funnel analysis
  • Form interaction & drop-off analysis
  • A/B testing
  • Conversion tracking review & setup

Why Do You Need National SEO Services?

Any business with a target audience across the United States would benefit from national SEO services.

This includes:

  • Businesses targeting clients nationwide, like tech companies and manufacturers
  • Multi-location brick-and-mortar locations, like restaurants, retailers, and franchises
  • Online service providers working with clients across the U.S., like accountants and web developers
  • Ecommerce businesses, including those that sell physical and digital products
  • Online businesses with a national focus, like an ecommerce store

If you currently serve a local audience but want to expand your reach, national SEO services can complement your local SEO efforts.

What does a PPC Specialist Do?
Man at Computer

The Bottom Line

You need more than an SEM consultant.

You deserve less wasted budget and more increased revenue, a team that melds perfectly with your business culture, less stress, and more time to focus on your main priorities. At HawkSEM, that’s what we do every day.

We’ve got a 98% retention rate, after all. (This could be due to the fact that our clients see an average of 4.5x ROI.)

As a team of sharp and dedicated professionals, we genuinely care about helping our clients thrive.

Are you ready to soar? Time to signal the Hawks.

Request a Free Consultation

Request a Free Consultation

At the end of the day, we know the most effective marketing centers on people and connections, not just search engine results.

No BS, just results. Clients see an average 4.5X ROI

  • Dramatically improve ROI
  • Outperform the competition
  • Increase conversion volume
  • Better track ROI
  • Reduce cost per acquisition
  • Improve lead quality

Ready to see if we're a match made in marketing heaven? Let's find out together