10 examples to help you create high-quality landing page copy that converts. Plus, expert tips and a template to steal.

Landing pages are digital storefronts for your business, products, or services. Your landing page copy is pivotal to its success — potential customers arrive, engage with your marketing efforts, and determine whether to stay or leave…based on the copy and offer.

Focusing on effective landing page copywriting supports conversions and revenue growth targets. But how do you create landing pages that convert?

The simple answer: gain knowledge about the art and science behind a great landing page that supports a better click-through rate.

Planning for your landing page copywriting

Before writing copy, you must set the foundation for your high-converting landing page. Here are three steps to follow.

Step 1: Customer research

Sixty percent of marketers say that they use customer data when making decisions. Why? Because compelling landing page copywriting requires a deep understanding of your target audience.

You need to answer questions like:

  • Who are these potential customers?
  • What problems or needs do they have?
  • What motivates them?

Customer research provides invaluable insights to answer these questions. That allows you to craft copy that speaks directly to their aspirations and pain points. To do customer research, try things like:

  • Keeping track of what followers say about your brand on social media
  • Using a customer research tool like Sparktoro
  • Surveying your audience

Tools like Google Ads dashboards and CRO analytics (conversion rate optimization) give data on user demographics, behaviors, and interests from previous efforts. So analyze this information to “listen” to your audience before they visit your new page. The better you know them, the better you can tailor your copy to convert them.

Step 2: Brand research and messaging

Next, think through your unique selling proposition (USP). A unique selling proposition is…

You can create yours by asking questions like:

  • What problem does my product or service solve for customers?
  • How does my product or service differentiate from competitors?
  • What unique features or benefits does my product or service offer?
  • Who is my target audience and what are their specific needs and preferences?
  • How can I communicate the value and benefits of my product or service effectively to my target audience?

Then you can use this formula to create your USP:

[Product/Service Name] is a [category] that [unique benefit] for [target audience] by [key features]. Unlike [competitors], our [product/service] [additional benefit].

Communicate this consistently across platforms to build familiarity and trust by staying true to your brand voice. Brand voice is the unique personality a brand presents in every channel it occupies.

You can develop your brand voice by asking questions like:

  • What values does the business stand for?
  • What words would I use to describe the brand?
  • How do I want my audience to feel when interacting with content?
  • How will the brand voice fit in with the visual identity?
  • What should the brand avoid saying or doing?

Any disconnects between your brand voice on your homepage, social media, ads, and landing pages can confuse potential customers. Ensure your landing page copy aligns with and reinforces your brand’s core messaging and values. Whether you’re crafting a headline, subheadline, or bullet points, they should all create a unified narrative that resonates.

To do this, put together a brand style guide that covers each aspect of your brand voice. Give every person who writes for your brand access to that document. When reviewing your landing page copy, make sure it aligns with those principles.

Step 3: Determining page goals

Don’t start writing before deciding your landing page’s primary goal. Is it to get more subscriptions? Generate leads? Increase sales? Setting clear objectives provides direction, ensuring every element contributes to that.

For example, if the goal is driving sign-ups for a webinar or your email list, emphasize the benefits of what the audience will get throughout your page. With a destination in mind, you can map out a straight path toward conversion with targeted landing page copywriting.

For example:

  • Goal: Get email sign-ups for a white paper you’re using to nurture leads
  • Headline: “How to Grow Your User Base Using Social Media”
  • Subhead: “See the Latest Data, Insights, and Trends in our White Paper”
  • Benefits: “Learn how to create viral content that attracts users” and “Discover the best way to put together your content strategy”
  • Call-to-action: “Grab Your Free Whitepaper”

Remember, you can only manage what you can measure. Figure out how you’ll define success. Understanding the average conversion rate for your industry is a good place to start. Then, determine if your conversion rate is on target by using this formula:

[Total number of conversions] divided by [total number of sessions] multiplied by 100.

Then, figure out what tools and systems you’ll use. Will you try offline conversion tracking (monitoring sales that take place outside of your website)? How often will you review your data? Answer these questions to complete your roadmap.

10 landing page copy best practices

Once you have your landing page objectives, it’s time to put words on the page to engage your target audience and get them to convert.

Let’s break down some ideas to help you do just that.

  1. Put your audience first. Then address them directly with empathetic language to make each visitor feel understood. Show them you get where they are coming from.
  2. Maintain continuity. If a user clicks an ad or a link from email marketing, make sure your copy maps to that offer’s landing page. Any disconnects can feel like misdirection, which can cost you a conversion.
  3. Sum up your product’s benefits. Differentiate your product within your headlines. Communicate the core value proposition upfront, so customers don’t have to do any guesswork. The reasons to care should be crystal clear.
  4. Give them a reason to keep reading. In a world of constant competition, what makes your product or service irresistibly different or better than the rest? and take the action you’re asking them to.
  5. Avoid jargon and rambling text. Use simple language and a format that’s scannable and engaging for readers. If you have a lot to say on your landing page, break it down into easy-to-read sections and guide focus to your CTA.
  6. Don’t just list product features. Show how you solve problems and help people with what they need to overcome. People care about outcomes, not specs. Always link features to tangible user value.
  7. Address your audience’s doubts. You have the opportunity to be proactive in your landing page copy. Include user testimonials, guarantees, or FAQs to tackle concerns. Plus, show off your user numbers, customer testimonials, case studies, or security badges to build credibility.
  8. Create a sense of urgency. Why is it important for visitors to act now? Try putting a time limit on your offer or explaining what the visitor will miss out on if they don’t click through.
  9. Craft a compelling call to action. Your audience will have a lot of new information to consider from your landing page. Keep the focus on what you want them to do next by spelling out the next step, like downloading a resource or booking a demo.
  10. Perform regular A/B testing. This will continuously improve your copy and conversion rates. Don’t treat optimization and landing page testing as a one-time event. Make tweaks to the headlines, ad copy, and images (CRO testing) regularly to get the best results.

Landing page copy structure: What you must include

“In a campaign for an ecommerce site, we used the CTA ‘Grab Yours Now – Only [number] Left!’ This created urgency,” says Valentino Chiavarini, Founder and CEO of GreenHive. “The result was a 40% increase in click-through rates.”

Every element of effective landing page copy serves a purpose, and they work better together. Take a closer look at what sections to include in your landing page.

Engaging headline

Short story example

Your landing page headline is the first impression visitors have. Speak to your main value proposition to capture attention and interest. Strong, benefit-focused headlines draw people in and get them invested in what you have to say.

Headlines work when they’re clear and specific, like this Short Story headline. Right away, you know that the offer is for petite individuals.


dscout example

Support and build on your header by elaborating on your product, service, or offer with key details. Provide more specifics, stats, or context to give visitors a reason to continue reading. This works because your subheadline allows visitors to explore how you deliver value.

Hero image or video

Doordash landing page

Visuals can add context to your landing page copy and make it more engaging. Try finding a relevant stock photo, using original graphics, or putting a short explainer video together. To do this right, strike a balance between your image and your copy, as Doordash does in this example. Show off what your audience can expect while keeping important information center stage.

Features and benefits breakdown

SendGrid landing page

Translate features into concrete benefits using you-centered language that resonates with visitors. A good breakdown between features and benefits translates into:

Features: Objectively describe your product or service’s highlights. What does it do?

Benefits: Explain how those features directly speak to the pain points of target customers.

Break down features and benefits to map your features to the specific benefits of your product.

Credibility builders

Thoropass example

Visitors buy from the companies that they know, like, and trust. Display logos or quotes from satisfied customers, share real-life examples, and show off any certifications or relevant awards to build on that trust factor. This works because it shows visitors who may be interacting with your brand for the first time that they’re in good hands when they choose you.

Call to action (CTA)

LinkedIn Premium landing page

A clear, compelling CTA button or link inviting visitors to complete the next step is key to getting results with your landing page. For example, a good CTA looks like this. It clearly tells LinkedIn users what they get: a free trial. It also reduces risk by telling the user they can cancel at any time.

Use these CTA examples to help you find the right fit. Don’t forget to put together a thank you page too.

Objection handling

Tempur-Pedic landing page.

Remove any friction that potential customers may experience by proactively providing answers to common sticking points. When done right, objection-handling content can turn skeptics into buyers and even advocates. This example from Tempur-Pedic shows that you can speak to visitors’ top concerns to catch them before they click away.

Landing page copy examples that work

Having landing page examples and inspiration to pull from can get you started on the right foot. Take a look at the great landing pages below and why they work.

1. Uber

Uber landing page

According to Contentsquare’s 2023 Digital Experience Benchmark report, the average time spent on page across all industries is 47 seconds. Every second matters. So to reach your target audience, you have to get their attention right away.

This landing page from Uber works because it combines two key landing page copywriting elements, showcasing benefits and adding proof points. The statistic adds credibility that makes the headline instantly engaging.

2. DwellWell

DwellWell landing page

DwellWell knows that the traditional way to buy a home can be overwhelming and complicated. On this landing page, they start with an attention-grabbing headline and follow it up with a subheading that explains how the company delivers value.

3. Metadata

EventMobi landing page

Metadata speaks to a common main point for marketers: The difficulty of reaching your target audience on the right channels. They also showcase the software to give visitors a clear preview of what they can expect. This is a valuable idea to swipe from to drive higher conversions for your SaaS landing page.

4. Salesforce and Tableau

Salesforce landing page

Salesforce and Tableau give users a reason to download their resources by defining each section and giving users insight into what they’ll find inside. Then, they make it clear that there’s even more to learn and offer contact information that visitors can use if they have questions.

5. Freshsales

Freshsales landing page

This landing page from Freshsales connects features and benefits to give users clear reasons to choose their product. Plus, the social proof bar with recognizable brand logos shows the software’s wide reach and good reputation.

6. Home Chef

Home Chef landing page

The team at Home Chef understands that to reach busy people who lack time to make complicated recipes but still want to cook quality homemade meals. The brand skipped the generic “sign up” button and chose a “pick your meals” CTA as an invitation to the HomeChef experience.

7. ConvertKit

CovnvertKit landing page

Anticipating and answering key questions builds trust and confidence. On this page, CovertKit tackles potential concerns head-on. Visitors want to know logistical details, so providing this information upfront is reassuring. It makes visitors more likely to take the next step.

8. HawkSEM

HawkSEM landing page

HawkSEM promises to challenge the status quo to help clients achieve better results. This headline positions HawkSEM as an agency that’s focused on growth. The subheadline expands on this by honing in on what clients want, to make more, spend less, and scale. The “free consultation” CTA gives visitors a low-friction way to engage.

Mistakes to avoid in landing page copywriting

“Small” mishaps can have a big impact on the success of your landing page. Side-step these common landing page mistakes to improve your results.

Vague headlines

Vagueness confuses visitors and causes them to lose interest fast. For example, instead of telling visitors you’ll help them “save money” you might have a headline that says: “Cut Operational Expenses by 25%.” State your main promise or value proposition right away, and use your audience research to write headlines that resonate.

Overusing jargon

Avoid relying too much on niche industry-speak your average visitor may not grasp. For instance, as a business, you may have “core competencies,” but there’s not much substance behind that phrase. State the specifics instead and share what you do best. Use plain, conversational language that visitors intuitively understand.

Mismatched messaging

Not all visitors will be interacting with your brand for the first time. B2B decision-makers, for example, are using 10 different channels throughout their buyer’s journey, including social media, email, and in-person or digital events.

Create a cohesive user experience on each channel to build brand recognition and ensure consistent messaging. For example, use a similar tone and language across your LinkedIn company page, marketing campaigns, and web pages. Get more tips for your B2B landing page here.

Including multiple offers

Stick to promoting one core product/service per page. For instance, if your company offers a suite of software products, create a separate landing page for each one. Too many competing offers overwhelm visitors and cause confusion that leads them to leave the page. Simplify and direct attention strategically.


Make genuine claims backed by results and avoid exaggerated promises. For example, don’t write in absolutes, like saying a customer will “never” experience a particular problem again. Everything you talk about on your landing page should align with the reality of what the potential customer can expect.

Having a weak call to action

You know what you want your target audience to do on your landing page, but if you don’t clarify what’s in it for them, they won’t click. Try tapping into language that promotes urgency and highlighting your unique value proposition. For example, “Download Report” isn’t as compelling as inviting visitors to click by having a CTA like “Get Your Free Report Now.”

Failing to optimize

The job of creating a landing page doesn’t end with copy and design. Make sure the page looks good across all devices and screen sizes to provide an experience that aligns with conversion rate optimization trends like personalization and fast loading times.

Then, conduct CRO audits regularly to find opportunities for improvement. For example, if people are dropping off once they get to a form, try changing the fields or shortening it.

Landing page copywriter vs. AI copy generator: Should you use them?

AI-powered copywriting tools use complex algorithms to generate landing page copy quickly and at scale. Chatbot creators, content generators, and even full landing page builders aim to blend efficiency with effectiveness in crafting copy. But are they worth adding to your workflow?

Pros and cons

Let’s look at the advantages and drawbacks of using AI copy generators to create landing pages.

Pros of AI copywriting tools

  • Speed: AI can create optimized copy instantly with just a few prompts. This can come in handy when you’re facing a quick turnaround.
  • Cost-efficiency: Using AI copy costs less than having to hire and manage copywriters to craft landing pages from scratch.
  • Data availability: AI tools tap into massive datasets from millions of high-performing pages of copy. All to generate content that resonates based on current trends and historical performance data.

Cons of AI copywriting tools

    • Lack of human touch: AI can mimic human writing styles but it often lacks nuance and personality.
    • Over-reliance: AI can only put pieces of an existing puzzle together. It can’t add new information. Depending on AI copy can make your end result generic.
    • Limitations: AI is restricted by its training data. Copy that AI generates risks missing the mark and damaging your credibility because it might not speak to your target audience.

The verdict

It may be wise to use AI tools for first drafts or instances where speed is essential. But always have a strategic human copywriter review before you publish your own landing page. They can infuse the AI copy with high-quality concepts, that lead to conversions.

“AI copywriting tools can be a great way to get started, but they usually need a lot of editing for tone and specifics. When I use AI-generated copy as a starting point, I can add a personal touch to ensure it matches our brand voice perfectly,” says Max Maybury, co-owner and developer of AI-Product Reviews.“It’s a tricky balance, but when you do it right, it saves time and helps you get more conversions.”

Landing page copywriting services to consider

Need help putting all the pieces together? These companies craft compelling landing pages that help you meet your business goals.

1. HawkSEM

Our HawkSEM team uses in-depth audience research to create customer-focused copy. We blend data-driven insights with creative storytelling to craft copy that informs, engages, and converts. Plus, we offer landing page design and conversion rate optimization services.

“Before creating landing pages, our senior team of strategists takes time to learn about the business, the customer base, target audience,” says Rambod Yadegar, President of HawkSEM. “Once we have these insights, we create copy that relates to the visitor and we give them information that supports conversion. We also track the performance of all our landing pages to uncover what is working and what needs to be cut with ConversionIQ.”

2. Rise Interactive

Rise Interactive focuses on empowering businesses to make data-backed marketing decisions for maximum impact. Its impressive portfolio and success stories with big-name brands make it a great choice for businesses seeking results.

3. AMP Agency

What sets the AMP Agency team apart is their meticulous attention to detail. The team constantly refines its approach to align with the ever-evolving digital landscape. With a track record of delivering measurable outcomes and a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, AMP Agency creates digital success through precision and innovation.

4. Wpromote

Wpromote knows data is the key to solving marketing problems and getting good results. It ensures clients’ content fits into the big picture, and its team is passionate about identifying opportunities others may not see.

5. Silverback Strategies

Silverback Strategies offers data-driven strategies and a results-oriented approach, making it a top choice for B2B companies aiming to drive business growth. Its digital marketing efforts make it a powerhouse for lead generation and sales.

The takeaway

Persuasive landing page copy plays a key role in digital marketing success. Skillfully crafted copy is magnetic, drawing attention and motivating the desired action. Using these proven tips and examples as inspiration empowers you to connect with audiences in deeper, more meaningful ways while boosting conversions.

Want to craft landing page copy that converts? We’d love to help. Get in touch with our experts.


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Aly Goulet

Aly Goulet

Aly Goulet is a B2B copywriter and content strategist with years of experience working with brands like Ford, Shutterstock, and Uber. Every story she works on is shaped by her background in the arts and career in data-driven marketing. (Plus, most importantly, drinking copious amounts of tea.)