Learn from these 16 PPC ad copy examples (and our experts) that reveal how to craft high-converting search ads.

Here, you’ll find: 

  1. 16 PPC Ad Examples
  2. PPC Ad Copy Template
  3. Landing Page Copy Template
  4. PPC Ad Copy Checklist

Click. Scroll. Click. That’s often the online journey of today’s distracted browser. With mere seconds to grab their attention, your compelling pay-per-click (PPC) ad copy can make or break your Facebook Ads or Google Ads campaign.

But most marketers just cobble together a few keywords without strategy, negatively impacting metrics like click-through rate. It’s a careless approach that squanders budget on poor-performing search ads…and leaves revenue on the table.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key principles of crafting high-converting PPC advertising copy that works across all the major advertising platforms – Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn.

Let’s dive in.

16 PPC Ad Examples

The best way to learn PPC copywriting is to look at what great pay-per-click ads look like. These 16 ads will give you all the tools you need to write more effective ad copy and drive more conversions.

We’ll cover:

  1. Highlight the USP
  2. Use Emotional Triggers
  3. Incorporate Keywords Wisely
  4. Use Specific Numbers
  5. Have a Clear CTA
  6. Keep It Simple
  7. Address Potential Objections
  8. Use Power Words
  9. Highlight Time-Sensitive Offers
  10. Showcase Social Proof
  11. Eliminate Risk
  12. Go Hyperlocal
  13. Offer Guarantees
  14. Use Action-Oriented Language
  15. Highlight Exclusivity
  16. Highlight The Dream State
  17. Bonus Tip: Always Be Testing

1. Highlight the USP

In a sea of competitors, your unique selling proposition (USP) is your north star, guiding potential customers and searchers.

To highlight your USP in your retargeting ad examples, get crystal clear on what sets you apart. Do you provide the fastest shipping? Most affordable pricing? Broadest selection? Whatever it is, spotlight that advantage up front in your ad headline and text.

Check out how Multiverse promotes their professional apprenticeship programs by highlighting the value of on-the-job training:


Prospects want unique value – not just offers. Keeping your USP top of mind allows you to continually split test and optimize your messaging.

Your USP is your north star. Let it guide prospects to your shore by cutting through the noise. Emphasize what makes you the number one choice in your PPC ad copy.

2. Use emotional triggers

Logic alone rarely makes a sale. Tap into emotions to forge connections in your PPC ad copy.

Before crafting copy, get clear on your target audience’s hopes, fears, and aspirations. What keeps them up at night? What gets them excited to start the day?

Once you identify those emotional drivers, reflect them in your ad copywriting to improve click-through rates.

Like Tonal, who paints an appealing picture of reaching peak fitness and performance – in the comfort of your home:


Potential customers buy on emotion…then justify with logic. Lead with the emotional benefit before diving into features in your ad description. Crafting copy that resonates on a deeper level allows you to move beyond one-dimensional messaging to create truly compelling and effective ads.

3. Incorporate keywords wisely

Keywords are crucial in effective PPC ad copy and campaigns – but dated SEO tactics like keyword stuffing don’t improve ad performance.

Prioritize keyword match type over volume. PPC keyword research tools for specific search terms, and integrate the most relevant keywords to craft compelling ad headlines and copy.

Tramontina nails this, including search terms like “cast iron cookware” to precisely match search intent:


Keep these additional strategies in mind as you optimize ads for keywords:

  • Use priority terms early in headlines and copy. It’s easier to read – and it signals relevance to Google’s search algorithms. That’s why “Cast Iron Cookware – 50% Off This Weekend” is a better choice than “50% Off This Weekend: Cast Iron Cookware.”
  • Don’t forget the display URL. A branded keyword domain like BestCastIron.com enhances perceived relevance in the SERPs.
  • Incorporate keywords into your PPC ad copy naturally. Over-optimization is awkward and sounds robotic. And that’s not the way to sell anyone. With dynamic keyword insertion, you can craft copy that directly answers search queries while retaining engagement.

4. Use specific numbers

Numbers attract attention in PPC ad headlines. Using statistics, percentages, and data points in the headline or ad description makes your copy concrete and builds credibility.

For example, rather than a vague “fast shipping,” say “2-day shipping guaranteed.”

Amtrak uses this exact approach to get you to book a night train:


When showcasing discounts or savings, use exact amounts. “Get up to 30% off” entices more clicks than the generic “Save big.”

But when talking about large numbers, round numbers tend to work better. For instance, highlight “over 1 million satisfied customers” vs. the exact 1,342,827 figure.

Aim to strike an intuitive balance between precision and simplicity as you optimize your ad copy. Overloading your reader with numbers can distract from your core unique selling proposition (USP) or value proposition. Instead, sprinkle in key stats and data points that reinforce your message.

5. Have a clear CTA

Every compelling PPC ad answers the “so what?” question with a clear call to action (CTA).

Without direction, searchers and potential customers wander. With a strong CTA, you guide them down the conversion path.

Start by using actionable language like “Register Now” or “Start Your Free Trial” in your ad copy. This conveys the desired next step.

Then consider injecting a sense of urgency with phrases like “limited-time offer” or “ending soon” to improve click-through rate. But avoid over-hyped claims that damage credibility long-term.

Place your CTA prominently at the end of the ad copy or in a contrasting color. This visual weight draws the eye to drive more clicks.

Amazon masterfully checks all the boxes with their free Grubhub+ promotion:


An effective CTA transforms passive readers into active converters. It should instantly answer what you want visitors to do when they reach your landing page. Distill that desired action into an irresistible CTA that motivates users to click and convert.

6. Keep it simple

In our quest for clever PPC ad copy, it’s easy to outsmart ourselves as copywriters. Flowery language tends to confuse users, not convert them.

To avoid this, keep it simple:

  • Ruthlessly refine your ad messaging. Cut any word that doesn’t contribute
  • Use short sentences. Be super clear on the value you provide
  • Resist the urge to overexplain or include every feature

No matter what type of ad you’re writing, you’ll find they all have tight character limits – for a reason.

With PPC ads, screen real estate is ultra-limited. The ideal reader should instantly grasp your offering from a quick scan of your ad – in seconds.

This minimalist approach may feel counterintuitive at first. But information overload overwhelms your readers – while brevity captures their attention.

Love Wellness gets it. Their ads instantly tell you exactly what the product does:


Simple doesn’t mean generic. Personality and wit have their place. But ensure they enhance the core message you need to convey. Prioritize clarity and simplicity above all else in your PPC ad copy.

7. Address potential objections

Even your ideal customers often have objections when viewing your PPC ads. Addressing those objections and hesitations proactively is the key to building trust and driving higher click-through rates.

Start by reviewing common pain points for your offer. Slow shipping times? High cost? Lack of support?

Once you know what they are, tackle them head-on in your ad copy. “Free 2-day shipping on all orders” or “America’s #1 low cost leader” or “24/7 customer support”.

Whoop does it right. They know their target customers are interested in leveling up their fitness, but might not be convinced their wearable fitness tracker is what they need:


Naming the elephant in the room shows you understand searcher needs. It positions you as the solution, not the problem.

Don’t let concerns fester and deter conversions. Crafting PPC ad copy that proactively answers objections shows potential customers you’ve got them covered. Turn potential barriers into selling points highlighting your unique value proposition (USP) or guarantees.

8. Use power words

The right words make all the difference in crafting compelling PPC ad copy. Power words spark emotion and compel action. Incorporate words that pack a punch to boost click-through rates.

Here’s how to work them into your copy:

  • Tap into reader emotions: Use words like “heartwarming” or “excitement” to establish a genuine emotional connection with your audience.
  • Highlight exclusivity: Incorporate terms such as “exclusive” or “limited time” to convey urgency and make your offer stand out.
  • Emphasize value: Elevate your offer’s perceived worth with descriptors like “luxurious” or “essential.”
  • Engage with intrigue: Words like “unexpected” or “secret” can pique interest and retain attention.
  • Prioritize clarity: While power words enhance your message, clarity is king. Use terms like “simple” and “straightforward” to ensure comprehension.

Sprinkle power words judiciously within your ad copy. They make more impact when surrounded by simpler language.

Talkspace gets it. “Life-changing.” “Breakthrough.” They don’t hold back on the impact of therapy:


It’s not just about the words you choose. It’s about your target audience. Certain power words resonate more than others. Continuously track performance and optimize based on search terms.

The right power words can elevate your Facebook, Instagram, or text ad copy from flat to irresistible. Power words infuse your PPC messaging with energy and a sense of urgency. But use them sparingly for maximum effect. Master this balancing act to craft a truly great ad – one that packs an extra persuasive punch.

9. Highlight time-sensitive offers

Urgency awakens action. Promote limited-time promotions in your PPC ad copy to skyrocket response. But balance scarcity with credibility to avoid damaging your brand.

Home Chef does an incredible job here – highlighting their “once in a lifetime” discount for teachers, doctors, nurses, and military veterans:


With physical products, highlight low remaining inventory. And in general, it’s best to build credibility by emphasizing that discounts end at a specific date. Countdown timers are a great way to build excitement as a deadline approaches or availability diminishes.

Urgency coupled with transparency will help you drive conversions and boost your click-through rate. But use restraint — you don’t want buyers always waiting for the next deal.

Promote scarcity selectively when you have it, then shift focus back to your core unique selling proposition (USP) and value proposition.

10. Showcase social proof

People follow the crowd. Showcasing social proof and testimonials in your PPC ad copy can significantly influence potential customers. Rather than generic claims about being the “best,” use specifics — like “Trusted by over 1 million small businesses.”

Short, impactful quotes also lend authentic credibility. “This tool changed how I work. Invaluable.” Pull excerpts like these from delighted users and weave them into your copy.

Google leaned into this strategy with its release of the Pixel 8 Pro, featuring testimonials from influencers who speak to its photo and video capabilities:


But beware. Social proof is a two-edged sword. Making fabricated claims or over-the-top claims can damage your brand reputation. Only highlight metrics, testimonials, and reviews you can back up.

Real social proof assures searchers they’re making a safe choice by clicking your ad. Give supporting evidence throughout your ad messaging to give readers confidence that your offer delivers exceptional results for people like them – and gets your audience excited to become your next success story.

11. Eliminate risk

Objections and hesitations are sales killers. That’s why it pays to promote risk-free trials, free shipping, or complimentary digital guides to entice engagement.

The folks at Casper are all-stars at this technique – offering a 100-day free trial to get buyers to take the plunge and try their mattress-in-a-box:


For example, if you’re a SaaS company, you can advertise in your PPC ads, “Start your free 14-day trial” – offering your readers a clear next step.

Free eBooks and guides are excellent top-of-funnel assets that build trust and reduce risk. Identify sought-after educational resources, then make them easily accessible. For instance, a credit monitoring service could offer a “free credit score guide” that requires an email sign-up.

Whatever you offer, ensure you deliver genuine value before selling. Overpromising freebies that underdeliver damages trust over time. Find authentic ways to let your target audience build trust with you and reduce their natural hesitation – so you make it easy to say yes.

12. Go hyperlocal

When you’re running a local business, targeting your copy at your local area is a no-brainer.

If you’re a plumber in Denver, you might advertise: “Unclog drains fast. In Denver and surrounding areas.” A national gym brand might run local ads proclaiming: “An Austin staple since 2005.”

Here’s how Columbia Family Dentist does it:


Adding a hyperlocal nuance signals you understand and belong to the community. It transforms a generic pitch into an insider’s view and builds affinity with localized audiences.

Going hyperlocal requires added effort – but it pays huge dividends. You dramatically improve your relevance, and show locals you know them beyond just a geo-fence. Master the blend of local and global, and you’ll watch conversions soar.

13. Offer guarantees

All kinds of hesitations can come up that can cause searchers viewing display ads examples to hold back. One of the best ways to counter this natural anxiety is to offer a generous guarantee.

In your ad copy, be specific on the duration of your guarantee to establish credibility. For example, if you’re offering a free trial, you might say “30-day 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked.”

Like Pureboost, an energy drink manufacturer with a crazy-generous 365-day guarantee:


Guarantees are powerful… but avoid unrealistic claims you can’t deliver on that undermine the confidence of your buyer. Underpromise, then overdeliver.

At the end of the day, it’s the quality of your offer that matters more than anything else. But guarantees help people take the initial leap of faith. Offer air-tight, risk-free assurances in your PPC ad copy to silence doubts and propel potential customers to click buy.

14. Use action-oriented language

Strong writing elicits emotion. Action-oriented verbs in your ad copy and CTAs are incredibly effective in getting readers to take action.

Opt for powerful imperatives like “Shop now,” “Get started today,” or “Join the movement.” These action-focused words directly prompts next steps for potential customers.

Here’s how Carter’s uses action-oriented language both in their PPC ad copy (“Ditch the diapers”) and their CTAs (“Shop now”) – so it’s no surprise they’ve mastered the art of getting customers to buy again and again:


Stay away from passive voice or overly descriptive language. “How this mattress is expertly designed for comfort” is way less impactful than “Sleep better tonight. Shop mattresses now.”

At the end of the day, if your Facebook ad or text ad copy doesn’t translate interest into tangible response, it fails. Carefully crafted action-focused language turns passive readers into clickers, then converters. Motivate action, don’t just paint pictures – and you’ll drive ROI from your PPC campaigns.

15. Highlight exclusivity

We all want to feel special. Exclusive deals and perks psychologically stroke this emotional need. In your PPC ad copy, subtly highlight members-only or invitation-only offers to pique interest from targeted audience segments.

For example, consider promoting access to an exclusive product for top-tier loyalty members. Check out how American Express promotes travel benefits exclusively available to its Platinum Card members:


When done tactfully, exclusivity suggests prestige. But avoid overly pretentious messaging that alienates more than attracts. Find the optimal balance between selectiveness and accessibility based on split testing.

The most powerful exclusivity plays on FOMO – fear of missing out. Incorporate scarcity – in the form of limited-time access or restricted availability – and you’ll drive more conversions.

Weaving exclusive perks throughout your ad messaging makes your offer more desirable. But don’t let exclusivity completely overshadow your core brand name or unique value proposition.

16. Highlight the dream state

Motivate action in your PPC ad copy by spotlighting positive outcomes. Your product isn’t just features —- it’s the tangible transformation users gain. Make this clear by focusing copy on their future positive state.

Hinge totally nails this by promising users a future where they can finally delete their dating apps from their phones:


Paint a vivid picture of the happiness, confidence, or success waiting on the other side. Reinforce that your offer empowers the most aspirational version of users’ lives.

Avoid generic claims like “improving lives” — use power words to be specific about how your product delivers. Clearly convey the exact moment users realize your offer was the missing key to unlocking their goals.

This positive reinforcement sticks in minds more memorably than dry features ever could. Demonstrate you deeply understand the positive emotional and physical changes users crave. Deliver on that promise in your PPC ad messaging, and they’ll thank you for it.

Bonus tip: always be testing

The highest performing PPC ads don’t happen by mistake. Getting an awesome conversion rate on your text ad or social media ad is the result of consistently applying split testing and optimization best practices.

A/B test your ads frequently to maximize performance. Run variations against each other to see which achieves higher click-through rate (CTR) – and you’ll gradually lower customer acquisition costs and lower cost per click.

You can also test the impact of ad extensions like callouts or messaging on search engine results page (SERP) rankings. Try new placement combinations and analyze results.

Set clear benchmarks so you know when a variation is a clear winner. Allow time for statistical significance before drawing conclusions from your ad copy testing.

Optimization is a gradual process. Make small iterative changes rather than dramatic redesigns to your ad formats. And don’t just test once — set reminders to reassess regularly.

Tracking results and iterating over time can have an enormous impact on your results. Case in point: by utilizing proper ad copy strategies and taking a comprehensive approach with tracking results of campaigns, we were able to increase conversions by 25% for Apotheke.

Treat testing as an ongoing habit, not a one-off project. Let PPC analytics guide your refinement toward higher conversions and ROI from your PPC campaigns. No ad is ever set in stone. The best digital marketers know improvement is always within reach through continuous self-testing.

Never wonder again if your ads are actually converting. At HawkSEM, we use ConversionIQ to measure all your campaigns – so you get an all-in-one view of campaign performance and the customer journey, all in one dashboard.

PPC Ad Copy Template

Crafting compelling pay-per-click ad copy is both an art and a science for digital marketers. Creativity provides unique flair, but structure delivers the best-performing ads – and high conversion rates. This is where ad copy templates add immense value.

Templates give your creative genius freedom while maintaining a critical framework. They act as flexible guides to build upon when writing PPC ad copy. Below is a simple yet effective text ad template:

Ad Component Guidance
Image Copy Use a high-quality, relevant image that complements the ad’s message. Keep copy brief and easily readable
Primary Text Keep it concise and engaging. Focus on the primary
Headline Highlight the primary offer or USP in a direct, attention-grabbing way.
Description Provide supporting details or a secondary selling point
CTA Use action-oriented language such as “Buy now,” “Learn more,” or “Get started”

This provides helpful direction without sacrificing customization. Use it as a starting point, then refine based on testing. With the right structural foundation, you can craft truly effective ad copy that drives clicks and conversions like crazy.

Want to take your PPC ad copy to the next level? At HawkSEM, our pros have the skills and experience to develop custom ads tailored to your business goals.

Landing Page Copy Template

After capturing attention with compelling PPC ad copy,guide searchers to a high-converting landing page. Effective landing page copy is just as crucial for boosting conversions from your paid search campaigns.

The basics of an optimized landing page include:

  • Grabbing attention with a strong headline and hero visual
  • Explaining your offering and unique value proposition
  • Using trusted social proof like testimonials and customer numbers
  • Employing power words to compel action
  • Featuring clear calls-to-action for the next step

Below is an adaptable landing page copy template covering these essential elements:

Page Component Guidance
Hero Headline Start with a captivating headline that clearly states the main benefit or value proposition. Use a high-quality image or video that complements the headline.
Subheadline Elaborate on the headline by providing more context or details about the offering
Initial CTA Introduce an eye-catching, action-oriented CTA
Social Proof Display initial social proof, such as logos of well-known clients or partners
Feature/Benefit 1 List the first feature of the product or service and highlight its primary benefit to the user
Feature/Benefit 1 List the first feature of the product or service and highlight its primary benefit to the user
Feature/Benefit 2 List the second feature of the product or service and highlight its primary benefit to the user
Feature/Benefit 3 List the third feature of the product or service and highlight its primary benefit to the user
Images / Videos Use relevant images or videos that showcase the product or service in action and help sell the product to the customer
Social Proof Support claims with additional social proof such as testimonials, reviews, or links to case studies
Final CTA Reiterate the primary CTA or introduce a secondary action you want users to take

The key is guiding visitors seamlessly from high-impact ad messaging to landing page copy reinforcing that value proposition.

With a compelling transition from your PPC ad to landing page, you’ll maximize conversion rates from your paid search campaigns — and convert more casual visitors into customers.

PPC Ad Copy Checklist

The takeaway

Nailing your PPC ad copy can have an enormous impact on the success of your marketing campaigns.

But it’s a challenging task with a lot of elements to consider.

Whether it’s flawlessly integrating keywords into your copy, executing split tests, or optimizing landing pages, or flawlessly integrating keywords, the PPC consultant at HawkSEM are always up for the challenge.

Request a free consultation today, and get started developing a winning PPC strategy.

PPC Ad Copy Checklist

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