Here are 11 examples to inspire your next thank you page, plus expert tips and our top tool picks to make creating thank you pages easier.

You completed checkout. Submitted a lead gen form. Signed up for a webinar. Now what? The thank you page provides the next touchpoint after a user takes action.

All too often, brands drop the ball here with a lackluster “thanks for your order” message. But the thank you page is a crucial opportunity to boost conversions, reinforce your brand, and encourage future engagement.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the strategic value of the thank you page with real-world examples, psychology-backed tips, and key mistakes to avoid. You’ll discover how to craft memorable thank you messages that turn users into loyal brand advocates.

Read on to discover the immense potential of thank you pages — and how they can take your business to the next level.

3 ways to use thank you pages to grow your brand

Thank you pages are an overlooked piece of marketing real estate – so how can you use them to grow your brand? Let’s take a look at some ways you can leverage them for maximum impact.

First impressions

A thank you page offers a brand the chance to make a stellar first impression after a user completes an action. Delivering a personalized experience establishes familiarity and boosts engagement. Case in point: studies show 56% of customers are more likely to become repeat customers when brands deliver a personalized experience.

Trust and rapport building

Gratitude builds loyalty. When you thank your buyers, you trigger the norm of reciprocity, making them more inclined to trust and cooperate with you. Using data to reference specific details from a user’s purchase or input makes your thank you page more authentic and meaningful. In fact, 62% of consumers say that they don’t just want a personalized experience — they expect it. And brands that fail to deliver can lose their business.

Encouraging further engagement

The thank you page is a key opportunity to direct users to the next step you want them to take. You might suggest related products, prompt users to follow you on social media, or offering exclusive discounts in exchange for a newsletter signup. If you’re looking to boost engagement further, learn how to improve CTR across your site.

“By presenting customers with a related offer immediately after purchase, businesses can enhance the overall user experience and maximize their revenue potential – all with a single click,” explains Vincent Nguyen at Growth Ninja. Using a related offer to drive engagement is based on the foot-in-the-door technique. Customers are more likely to agree to additional, related requests after they’ve already made a first transaction.

“The beauty of a one-click upsell is its simplicity,” Vincent adds. “Buyers can enhance their purchase with just a single click, without needing to re-enter credit card details. This frictionless experience is key to its effectiveness.”

Explore A/B testing ideas to determine which CTAs advance the user journey and nurture leads. Experiment with content upgrades, coupon codes, or free shipping on future orders to fuel further engagement.

Thank you pages are also a great place to grow email marketing and gain new subscribers. Regular CRO testing can help identify which incentives resonate most with your audience.

Best thank you page examples

Let’s take a look at some of the best thank you page examples out there and what makes them so effective. These examples showcase the best practices in thank you page design — clear and concise messaging, personalized content, and strategic calls-to-action.

Ecommerce thank you page examples

Ecommerce brands know the power of a memorable thank you page. Let’s explore examples from two industry leaders.

Roughly 71% of shoppers expect personalization in their interactions with brands — so it’s critical to tailor post-purchase content or your buyers’ interests. A simple way to do this is by using your thank you page to promote products your buyers might be interested in.

For example, The Home Depot uses its thank you page to suggest additional products you might also like. By planting the seed now, they’re increasing the likelihood of future purchases — and keeping customer needs and preferences top of mind.

suggest additional products

Warby Parker taps into the habit of social sharing to build brand visibility and enhance engagement, as seen below.

By incorporating social sharing widgets in their thank you page, along with a pre-written message designed to encourage engagement from the shopper’s followers and friends, they make it incredibly easy for customers to share their positive experiences.

It’s a smart way to turn satisfied customers into passionate brand advocates.


Both companies understand thank you pages should serve strategic goals beyond basic gratitude. Home Depot uses its thank you page to promote related products, while Warby Parker encourages social sharing to build brand visibility.

If you’re an ecommerce brand, follow their lead and craft customized thank you experiences that align with business objectives — and for more insights on creating effective ecommerce pages, don’t miss our guide on ecommerce landing pages.

B2B thank you page examples

In B2B marketing, thank you pages present crucial opportunities to provide value beyond gratitude. Let’s examine examples from two industry leaders.

Inbound marketing powerhouse HubSpot leverages thank you pages for subtle upselling. A concise thank you message is followed by links to download the content and an opportunity to learn more about their sales and marketing software.

This nurtures leads by guiding them to the next logical step in the customer journey.


Salesforce, the CRM giant, uses post-signup thank you pages to nurture leads into customers. Users are presented with targeted content, such as resources, case studies, and articles, along with a link to book a Salesforce demo.

This level of personalization and relevant value enables users to see the benefits of Salesforce’s products and services and encourages them to take the next step in the customer journey.


Here at HawkSEM, we surprise and delight prospects by serving up an unexpected compliment. From there, we use the thank you page to answer common questions like “when will I hear back?” and “how can I get in touch with you?”


Both companies understand the potential of effective SaaS landing pages for lead nurturing and relationship-building – and carefully crafted thank you pages are part of their game plan, encouraging further engagement with tailored content and value.

B2B marketers should follow suit by making thank you pages active hubs for relationship-building. For more on creating impactful B2B content, see our guide on crafting the perfect B2B landing page.

Website thank you page examples

Websites serve diverse goals, but effective thank you pages can unite them through strategic messaging and engagement. Let’s review examples from leading sites.

Content Marketing Institute’s impressive thank you page follows up a resource download with tons of related content, pushing readers to additional articles, guides, and resources they might be interested in — and cementing their position as a go-to authority in the content marketing space.


Harry’s leverages their thank you pages to learn more about their customers. By asking them to respond to a short one-question survey before they go, they learn more about each customer’s desires, challenges, and goals.


To make sure your surveys are effective, you need to ask the right questions and keep them short. Asking only one question is great because it doesn’t feel like you’re taking up a lot of your customers’ time. Knowing more about your customers empowers you to serve them better and provide them with products that are tailored to their specific needs.

These examples demonstrate that websites shouldn’t treat thank you pages as an afterthought. Strategic choices can turn these pages into valuable touchpoints for brand-building and customer engagement. When building thank-you pages, website owners should ask, ” How can we use this page to enhance our user experience and our brand?”

Contact form thank you page examples

Contact forms create pivotal first impressions — so the subsequent thank you page needs to reinforce the user’s confidence in reaching out. Let’s examine examples from two entities excelling at post-submission engagement.

Ryan Robinson follows up on opt-ins by nudging visitors to his social channels on his thank you page. Recognizing fans of his content would enjoy his social presence, he incorporates a simple, scannable call-to-action to follow and share across platforms. It provides further value after submission.


Peak Freelance sees their thank you page as an upselling opportunity. After subscribing, users are presented with a video differentiating their free vs. paid tiers. While subtle, this exposes subscribers to premium offerings, enticing upgrades.

Peak Freelance

Both examples demonstrate that thank you pages shouldn’t leave users hanging. Robinson boosts engagement with social channel CTAs. Peak Freelance transitions subscribers into their paid membership programs.

The takeaway? Thank you pages allow businesses to guide users to logical next steps, whether that’s consuming more content or upgrading subscriptions. Well-executed examples turn what could have been a dead end into an opportunity to build loyalty. Don’t lose momentum after form submissions. Channel it strategically.

Donation thank you page examples

For nonprofits, donation thank you pages present pivotal opportunities to strengthen donor bonds beyond gratitude. Let’s explore examples from impactful organizations.

NSPCC understands thank you pages should provide transparency. Their page outlines how funds will be utilized, emphasizing the tangible impact of donations. They also personalize messages to make supporters feel valued.


charity: water knows that the thank you page is one of their best opportunities to get in front of potential donors — so they take advantage by inviting donors to make a bigger impact by making a regular monthly donation.


And Oxfam Ireland says thank you in a genuine, heartfelt tone directly from their CEO. This personal touch gives their thank you a unique level of authenticity that stands out.


Thoughtful nonprofits know thank you pages should make donors feel their contributions matter. NSPCC provides transparency, charity:water focuses on impact, and Oxfam offers authenticity.

When supporters see their donations creating change, they become partners for life. Don’t just say thanks. Take steps to build relationships that last beyond the transaction, and turn one-off donations into loyal lifelong donors.

Want to build high-converting thank you pages for your brand? Let HawkSEM’s experts craft a personalization strategy that takes your business to the next level.

What makes a good thank you page?

Now that we’ve seen some examples of great thank you pages, let’s look at what makes for a thank you page that really works.


Personalization is key. Effective thank you pages should leverage user data and segmentation to tailor messaging for each individual. For example, pop-up variations can be triggered that are customized based on the user’s preceding on-site behavior, interests, or purchase history — making each visitor feel acknowledged as an individual, not just another user.

Relevance and timing

Leveraging user data through advanced segmentation is a great way to create your ultra-customized thank you messaging and pop-ups. Delivering an ultra-targeted level of personalization makes each user feel special while building trust.

By understanding and addressing individual preferences, businesses can foster a deeper connection with their audience.

Clear messaging

Be careful to not overwhelm your user with too many follow-up links or calls to action. Pick one message and communicate it clearly, so users can effortlessly navigate to the next step of engagement.

Encouraging next steps

Delighted users want to continue interacting with your brand. Thank you pages are a great opportunity to continue increasing conversion rates through follow-up CTAs.

There are a lot of options for follow-up CTAs. You could encourage the user to share their purchase on social media or provide an opportunity for them to explore what else is in your sales funnel. Give users a coupon code or the chance to enroll in an email list.

With gratitude in mind, you want to make sure that your CTA is simple, unified, and casual. Don’t be pushy, because the point of a thank you page is to boost your user’s trust in your company.

Do’s and don’ts of a great thank you page

Crafting the perfect thank you page requires some finesse. You want to increase engagement, but you also want to make sure your client feels appreciated for their preceding actions. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


Have a consistent brand design: Your thank you page is another opportunity to show your user who you are. Keep brand design and voice consistent, so customers recognize and trust your company to be consistent. If your homepage is minimalist, your thank you page should be, too!

Offer clear next steps: A thank you page can be a great opportunity for lead generation, but only if you do it well. Provide a CTA button that’s clear and concise, personalized for your user’s intuitive next steps. Make sure to avoid pushy language which could leave your user feeling, well… used.

Provide social sharing options:
Sharing through social media is a great way to increase organic leads. Incorporate social share buttons for Instagram, LinkedIn, and other platforms so that delighted users can tell their friends about their experience. Referrals are gold, and social sharing is a great step in that direction.


Publish generic messages: No one even bothers to read the boring “Thank you for subscribing.” Get creative and personal to keep your customers delighted for their entire user journey. For instance, if they sign up for a digital marketing webinar, use copy like “Thanks for joining our digital marketing crew!” to add a personal flair and touch of camaraderie.

Overwhelm readers with CTAs: It can be tempting to seize the moment and offer multiple CTAs — but don’t get greedy. Your user just executed a desire action, so reward them for their efforts with clarity and intuitive next steps.

Ignore mobile: In today’s mobile-first world, ensuring your thank you page is mobile-optimized is non-negotiable. A page that looks stunning on desktop but breaks on mobile can slash conversion rates. Use page templates and landing page builders that prioritize mobile responsiveness.

Your thank you page is more than just a digital nod of acknowledgment. It’s a bridge, guiding users deeper into your brand’s universe, creating opportunities for engagement, and building lasting relationships.

Ready to build your thank you page strategy? Deliver a personalized experience with HawkSEM and watch your conversions soar.

Why do you even need a thank you page?

Thank you pages can be a powerful tool to build lasting customer relationships. And if you’re not bothering to build them, you’re missing out on a powerful opportunity to connect with your audience and drive more conversions.

User experience

Effective thank you pages enhance the user journey by providing closure after the user takes an action. When they submit a form, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase, users appreciate a clear confirmation page that verifies their action was completed.

It provides peace of mind — and reinforces positive brand sentiment by highlighting users’ contributions, whether donating to a cause, providing feedback, or engaging with content.

Conversion opportunities

Beyond goodwill, thank you pages offer prime real estate for conversion optimization. They allow gentle upselling or cross-selling of complementary products based on user data.

For example, after purchasing a tent, customers could be suggested camping accessories. Incorporating offline conversion tracking can help measure the full impact of these pages.

Thank you pages also present a seamless opportunity to gather user insights through follow-up surveys or newsletter signups with lead magnet incentives. They serve as critical touchpoints post-action that allow brands to unlock huge marketing potential with minimal effort.

And if you’re ignoring them, you’re leaving easy wins on the table. To delight potential customers and boost conversions, a solid thank you page is an indispensable part of the user journey.

What should your thank you pages include?

Effective thank you pages go way beyond just saying “thanks!” Let’s take a look at the key elements every great thank you page should include.


Thank you pages should begin by clearly acknowledging the user’s preceding action. Crafting compelling landing page copy is essential to convey your gratitude effectively.

Acknowledging the exact action is a great personal touch to make your user feel valued. As we know, a customer that feels valued is more likely to become a recurring customer.

Brand Consistency

Keep your branding consistent on your thank you page so that your client remembers who they are being thanked by. Consistent branding, including design elements and brand voice, reinforces trust and company recognition.


Incorporate a call-to-action on your thank you landing page. If they made a purchase, provide a special discount code or direct them to products they may want to look at in the future. If they signed up for your newsletter, drive them to book a one-on-one call.

CTAs on thank you pages need to be conversational, though. Demanding CTAs will make your customer feel unappreciated, while casual CTAs will make your customer feel excited to get invovled.

Testimonials and social proof

Reinforce the trustworthiness of your company by providing testimonials and social proof on your thank you page.

Let your customer know how many other people are signed up for the newsletter or incorporate some reviews in the copy. These components will help make your customer feel like they made a great choice by engaging with your company, which grows trust.

Social sharing

Make it simple for folks to share their engagement with your company. Incorporate social media share buttons so delighted users can spread the word, amplifying the reach of your brand at no additional cost to you.

Great thank you pages acknowledge actions and provide next steps, while establishing trust and boosting reach.

Use HawkSEM’s digital marketing expertise to turn your bland thank-you message into an impactful customer experience.

Top tools for thank you page templates

Now that you know the basics of creating your own thank you page, let’s look at some tools that can make the process even easier. There are lots of resources out there to help you make powerful, trust-building thank you pages:


HubSpot is a leader in the inbound marketing world, with a huge variety of resources available. Their templates can be personalized and tailored for your needs.

  • Pros: Easy to use, offering seamless integration with HubSpot tools, as well as rich analytics capabilities.
  • Cons: Might be a bit overkill for small businesses or companies looking for a quick and easy solution.
  • Pricing: HubSpot starts off free, but premium features are available at multiple tiers.


Optimizely is a well-known platform for split testing, but they also offer great thank you page templates.

  • Pros: A/B testing built-ins to sculpt data-driven, high-converting thank you pages.
  • Cons: Can feel complicated for beginners and non-developers.
  • Pricing: Pricing is custom and dependent on company needs.


Leadpages is devoted solely to the construction of effective landing pages. They have a long list of thank you templates that integrate seamlessly with other digital marketing tools.

  • Pros: Leadpages is simple to use, with a drag-and-drop builder. Their templates are also mobile-responsive, optimizing thank you pages for mobile users.
  • Cons: Lower-tier plans have limited customization (though higher tiers have more personalization abilities).
  • Pricing: The lowest tier is only $37/month. The tiered pricing model allows businesses to only buy what they need.


Unbounce is another landing page builder that utilizes A/B testing. They provide templates driven for conversion.
Pros: Offers dynamic keyword insertion capabilities for PPC campaigns and pop-ups.
Cons: More complicated to learn.
Pricing: Tiers start at $80/month, but pricing is gradual related to company needs.


Instapage emphasizes post-click optimization, with thank you page templates targeted at driving ROI increases.

  • Pros: Instapage offers heatmaps, as well as a list of collaborative tools, making it easy for marketing teams to work on the same project.
  • Cons: Higher price point
  • Pricing: Starts at $199/month

Benefits of using templates

Thank you pages feel like an art, but at the end of the day, they’re also a science. There’s no reason to start from zero with your thank you pages. Using templates allows you to skip the base steps and personalize your page to drive conversion with ease.

Customization tips

To make sure you’re maximizing the conversion potential of your thank you page, you’ll need to personalize your template. Here are some tips for customizing your thank you page templates:

  • Focus on brand alignment: Your template needs to match your brand in colors, fonts, style, and voice to be effective and trust-building.
  • Include relevant content: Always go for compelling, action-driving copy instead of generic, heard-it-before copy. Your messaging needs to be engaging and interesting.
  • Test and tweak: As always, utilize split testing techniques to make sure your thank you page is honed in. A lot of the platforms that offer templates also offer split testing, making it easy.

Templates are a great starting point for sculpting a thank you landing page, but customization is key when it comes to optimizing its effects.

Let HawkSEM’s landing page experts take your thank you page to the next level. Your pages won’t just look fantastic — they’ll drive action and conversion.

The takeaway

Thank you pages are pivotal yet overlooked opportunities to delight users and further business objectives. And now you have a blueprint for transforming these micro-moments into memorable touchpoints that convert.

But executing a high-impact thank you page requires finesse. From copywriting to design to technical implementation, the digital marketing professionals at HawkSEM have the expertise to flawlessly bring your vision to life.

Let’s team up to create wow-worthy thank you experiences that boost satisfaction and sales. Schedule your free consultation today.

Chris Collins

Chris Collins

Chris Collins works with growing B2B companies like SwipeGuide, Smart Panda Labs, Meadow, and Canonical to nail their positioning and messaging so they can stand out from the competition and scale faster. He brings a strategist's mindset to copywriting, leveraging customer research and consumer psychology to craft messaging that gets results. An obsessive reader and reluctant runner, Chris is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.