The best Google Ads headlines grab the attention of qualified leads and get them to click. Learn the tips our experts use to write headlines that get attention — examples included.

Here, you’ll find:

The best Google ad headlines compel people to click on them. One way to achieve this is by using strong headlines.

But it’s challenging to create Google ad headlines that grab attention and get people to act. Why? For one, you have limited character limits. So, there’s only so much you can write.

And two, you must include keywords in your headline, which takes away more of the allotted space.

Fortunately, there are best practices you can follow to create good headlines for Google Ads. And that’s what we’ll cover in this article.

Why do Google ad headlines matter?

Google ad headlines determine the success of your campaigns.

Here are some of the key reasons:

  • Grabs attention: It’s the first thing people see. A well-crafted headline grabs attention and makes users want to learn more.
  • Direct impact on click-through rates (CTRs): A good headline can make more people click on your ad. More clicks usually mean better results for your Google Ads campaign.
  • Matches with searches: Including the right keywords means your ad appears for the right people. This helps you reach prospects looking to buy what you offer.
  • Sets expectations: It sets the tone for what the user can expect upon clicking, contributing to a coherent and satisfying user journey.

How to write the best Google search ad headlines

Follow these tips to create Google ad headlines that get more clicks:

  1. Highlight your USP
  2. Incorporate consumer pain points
  3. Use action-oriented verbs
  4. Create a sense of urgency
  5. Pose questions to spark curiosity
  6. Use descriptive adjectives for vividness
  7. Incorporate trending topics or keywords
  8. Balance creativity with clarity
  9. Tailor for localized, geo-targeted impact
  10. Align with landing page content
  11. Regularly conduct A/B testing
  12. Test different lengths
  13. Keep it up-to-date

1. Highlight your USP

Your unique selling proposition (USP) sets your product or service apart from the competition.

Make sure your headline showcases this unique feature or benefit. Ask yourself, “What can my customers get from me that they can’t get anywhere else?”

Maybe it’s free same-day delivery, personalized service, or an unbeatable money-back guarantee.

For example, if you offer rapid delivery, a compelling headline like “Instant Delivery – Buy Now” gets straight to the point. It concisely tells potential customers what makes your offer unique.

2. Incorporate consumer pain points

Understanding and addressing your potential customers’ problems or challenges can make your headline more compelling.

So identify the most common pain points your product or service solves. Then, use your headline to show how you can improve their lives.

For instance, if a common problem is high costs, headlines like “Quality at Low Prices” or “Save More” can be effective. It’s to the point and communicates how you solve a common concern.

Incorporate consumer pain points

3. Use action-oriented verbs

A headline with action-oriented verbs can make it more dynamic and persuasive. This is copywriting 101.

These verbs create a sense of urgency and encourage the user to act.

For example, for a fitness app, instead of a generic “Fitness App,” a more action-driven headline like “Get Fit Today” or “Start Your Fitness Journey” is more engaging.

It’s brief, powerful, and guides the customer towards taking the desired action.

Use action-oriented verbs

So when selecting your verb, consider the action you want the customer to take and how you can phrase ad text in a way that feels exciting.

4. Create a sense of urgency

Urgency in headlines can lead to faster decision-making from potential customers. It creates a feeling that they’ll miss out if they don’t act now.

Use time-sensitive power words or phrases to compel immediate action. A headline like “Sale Ends Tonight!” or “Last Chance for 50% Off” can create a fear of missing ou (FOMO).

Create a sense of urgency

It tells customers they need to act quickly to take advantage of the offer, which boosts the likelihood of immediate engagement.

But ensure your offer genuinely is time-limited to maintain trust and authenticity in your brand.

Additional reading: Marketing Psychology: 5 Tips to Win Hearts (+ Examples)

5. Pose questions to spark curiosity

Questions in headlines can pique interest and make potential customers stop and think.

A well-phrased question is eye-catching and invites them to learn more.

For instance, a headline like “Ready for a Financial Makeover?” or “Dreaming of Acne-Free Skin?” directly addresses the customer and personalizes their experience.

Pose questions to spark curiosity

Such questions invite users into a conversation, increasing the chances they’ll click through to find the answer.

6. Use descriptive adjectives for vividness

Descriptive adjectives add color and emotion to your headlines. When part of your ad copy, they help create a vivid image in the customer’s mind, enhancing the appeal of your offer.

For example, a headline for a luxury resort can read “Explore Serene, Sunlit Beaches.”

Use descriptive adjectives for vividness

The adjectives “Serene” and “Sunlit” evoke specific feelings and imagery. This makes the headline more evocative and appealing than a straightforward, nondescriptive headline.

7. Incorporate trending topics or keywords

Including trending topics or currently popular keywords can make your headline more relevant and timely.

This can attract customers looking for the latest information or products related to current events or popular culture.

You can do keyword research using tools like Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and Semrush.

For instance, a tech company may use a headline like “Get the Latest 5G Phones” during the launch period of a new technology.

Incorporate trending topics or keywords

However, it’s important to ensure the trending topic or keyword is relevant to your product or service to maintain credibility.

8. Balance creativity with clarity

While creativity makes your headline stand out, clarity ensures it’s understood. A headline should strike a balance, being imaginative yet straightforward to convey the message instantly.

For example, a creative headline for a home cleaning service like “Sparkle Your Space” is intriguing but also clear in its offering.

Balance creativity with clarity

Remember, creativity in your headline shouldn’t overshadow the core message but rather enhance it, ensuring the ad remains effective and easy to understand.

9. Tailor for localized, geo-targeted impact

Localizing your headlines can increase their relevance and appeal to audiences in specific areas.

Use location-specific keywords or phrases to catch the attention of local customers.

For instance, a headline like “NYC’s Best Pizza Delivered” directly appeals to New York City residents looking for local cuisine.

Tailor for localized, geo-targeted impact

In case you have more than one address, use a multi-location PPC strategy that focuses on creating separate ads (within the same ad group) for the individual locations.

This approach makes your ad more personal and relevant to the audience in that area, which increases the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

10. Align with landing page content

Your headline should be a clear precursor to the content of your dynamic landing pages for PPC. This alignment reassures users that they’ve come to the right place.

For instance, if your headline promotes “Eco-Friendly Office Supplies,” ensure your landing page prominently features these products.

Align with landing page content

To achieve this, regularly review your landing page content and ad headlines. Ensure they match and convey a cohesive message.

This consistency improves user experience and can lead to Google Ads conversions because it builds trust and meets user expectations.

11. Regularly conduct A/B testing

A/B testing compares two versions (“version A” and “version B”) of your ad headlines to see which performs better.

For example, you may test a headline with a question (“Need Faster Internet?”) against one with a direct benefit (“Experience Lightning-Fast Internet”).

Regularly conduct AB testing

You can understand what interests your audience by analyzing which headline gets more clicks or drives a higher conversion rate.

Regular A/B testing allows for continuous improvement of your headlines and campaign in general; much like how it helps in SEO.

“We use ConversionIQ to track our campaigns, which helps us understand how well our Google ad copy and headlines are performing,” says Yadegar. “ConversionIQ is our proprietary marketing technology that provides us with granular insights from ad campaigns. It enables us with real-time data that aids A/B testing, optimization, and better conversions.”

ConversionIQ seamlessly integrates with Google Ads and comes with rich features that help in budgeting, tracking, forecasting, experimenting, reporting, and other functions.

Want to learn more about ConversionIQ? Get in touch with us.

12. Test different lengths

The length of your headline can impact its effectiveness. So, experiment with different ad lengths to evaluate what works best for your audience and message.

For instance, try a shorter headline like “Beat the Heat: AC Sale!” against a longer one like “Stay Cool This Summer with Our Affordable AC Units.”

Test different lengths

Tracking performance metrics like click-through rates for each version will guide you in determining the ideal length that captures attention and conveys your message effectively.

13. Keep it up-to-date

Regularly update your headlines to reflect current trends, seasons, or promotions. This keeps your ads fresh and relevant.

For example, a headline like “Get Ready for Spring: Gardening Essentials on Sale!” should be updated when the season changes.

Keep it up-to-date

Staying up-to-date with your headlines shows your brand is active and in tune with customer needs and current events, making your ads more appealing.

8 elements of a good Google ad headline

Here are key traits of the best Google ad headlines:

  1. Relevance to the audience
  2. Inclusion of target keywords
  3. Use of numbers or statistics
  4. Social proof
  5. Call to action (CTA)
  6. Benefit-driven language
  7. Emotional trigger or appeal
  8. Clarity and conciseness

Note: One ad won’t have all elements. Which ones are included depends on their product and target audience. Use these listed traits to create your own ad templates that are unique and personalized to your campaigns.

1. Relevance to the audience

Effective headlines reflect a deep understanding of the target audience’s needs, interests, or problems.

They’re created to resonate with the specific group you’re targeting.

For instance, a fitness app targeting busy individuals may use a headline like “15-min Workout for Busy Professionals.”

Relevance to the audience

It directly addresses the audience’s core needs, making the ad more relatable and appealing.

Also, higher relevance to the audience increases your Google Ad Rank, a value Google uses to determine an ad’s position on the search result page.

2. Inclusion of target keywords

The right keywords can make your headline more visible in Google searches.

The best Google Ads headlines include words or phrases potential customers use when looking for products like the advertiser offers.

A headline like “Boston’s Best Organic Bakery” uses specific keywords to ensure it reaches people searching for organic bread or pastry delivery services in that area.

Inclusion of target keywords

It aligns your headline with the common search terms to increase the ad’s relevance and visibility.

3. Use of numbers or statistics

Numbers or statistics in your headline can provide clarity and authenticity. They make your offer more tangible.

For instance, a headline like “Trusted by 20,000+ Customers” gives a sense of the scale and success of your product or service.

Use of numbers or statistics

The best headlines for Google ads use real data to build credibility and show the value of what you’re offering.

4. Social proof

Including social proof or endorsements in your headline can boost its credibility. This can be ratings, testimonials, user counts, or endorsements from well-known figures.

For instance, a headline like “Rated 5 Stars by 10,000+ Users” leverages social proof to assure potential customers of the product’s high quality and popularity.

Social proof

It shows that others have had positive experiences, which can help alleviate skepticism and build trust.

Social proof acts as a powerful persuasion tool that hooks people who often look at others’ actions and experiences to guide their own decision-making.

5. Call to action (CTA)

A strong call to action in your headline can motivate the reader to take a specific step. It’s like a friendly nudge toward the action you want them to take.

A headline for an online course may include a CTA like “Start Learning Today for Free!”

Call to action (CTA)

It’s clear, direct, and provides a sense of immediacy, prompting the user to act now rather than later.

6. Benefit-driven language

Benefit-driven headlines focus on the positive outcomes or advantages that the customer will experience.

This digital approach directly answers the user’s implicit question, “What’s in it for me?”

For example, a headline for a skincare product may read, “Get Acne-Free Skin in 2 Weeks.” Instead of just stating the product’s features, it clearly outlines the benefit, making the ad more impactful.

Benefit-driven language

The key is articulating how your product or service can improve a user’s life or solve a specific problem.

7. Emotional trigger or appeal

A powerful headline often taps into the reader’s emotions. It can spark curiosity or excitement.

For example, a headline for a charity event may read “Join the Fight: Help Save a Child’s Life Today.”

Emotional trigger or appeal

It appeals to the reader’s compassion and desire to make a difference, making the ad more compelling and memorable.

8. Clarity and conciseness

A good headline conveys the message quickly and without unnecessary complexity.

Remember, the space for your headline is limited. You get three headlines, each up to 30 characters.

space for your headlin

So, it’s crucial to use this space wisely. It should be easily understandable at a glance. For example, a headline for a tax filing service may read “Easy Online Tax Filing.”

Clarity and conciseness

This is straightforward and immediately tells the reader what the service offers, ensuring the message is clear and concise.

“Everything starts with understanding your target audience. You want your messaging — wherever and whatever it is — to resonate with your audience,” says Sam Yadegar, CEO of HawkSEM. “The art form in headlines is to create value through a short message to show the target audience found what they’re looking for. Our team spends a lot of time and has fun creating effective headlines that make all the difference in CTR.”

5 Google ad headline examples

Let’s look at some effective Google ads headlines and descriptions examples — and why they work:

1. “Car leasing deals”

Car leasing deals

What works:

  • The headline employs an urgent call to action that encourages instant engagement
  • It directly addresses the searcher’s intent by offering “Lease Offers,” which is likely what the searcher is interested in when querying for car leasing deals
  • It includes the appeal of leasing a “small car,” which may resonate with individuals looking for affordability or convenience

2. “Fitness program online”

Fitness program online

What works:

  • The headline “No Equipment Required” addresses a typical concern for those looking to start fitness programs, removing a potential barrier to entry
  • The mention of “60 Days Free” distinguishes this offer from typical 30-day trials, adding significant value to the proposition and making it stand out
  • It provides a clear and compelling benefit by promoting “Try Today With 60 Days Free”
  • The description teases “1,000+ On-Demand Classes,” which hints at a wide range of options available to the user

3. “Meal kit delivery services”

Meal kit delivery services

What works:

  • The headline places the generous offer of free meals at the forefront, immediately grabbing attention with the significant value proposition
  • Mentioning “16 Free Meals” quantifies what new subscribers stand to gain, making the offer concrete
  • It creates a sense of urgency by stating “Ends Soon,” suggesting that the reader must act quickly to take advantage of the offer
  • The inclusion of “Save Time & Money” in the description speaks directly to two key benefits that are highly valued by meal kit service customers

4. “Remote tech support”

Remote tech support

What works:

  • The headline succinctly targets small businesses seeking IT services
  • It integrates the keywords to improve the ad’s search ranking and visibility to the target audience
  • Mentioning specific industries in the description (like legal and healthcare) clearly defines the target audience

5. “Best accountant software”

Best accountant software

What works:

  • The headline mirrors common search terms, enhancing the ad’s relevance and likely its search ranking
  • It clearly defines the intended users — small and medium businesses in the UK, which ensures the ad hooks the appropriate audience
  • Including “Start Your Free Trial” directly in the description acts as an incentive, encouraging potential customers to engage with the product immediately

Further reading: 8 Google Ads Examples: Proven Campaigns + Why They Work

Get help from ad specialists at HawkSEM

HawkSEM is one of the fastest-growing marketing agencies, working with brands such as Microsoft, Honda, Nike, and Verizon.

With a large and multidisciplinary team of ad specialists, we offer end-to-end pay-per-click marketing services that cover everything from lead-generating LinkedIn text ads to sales-focused Google Maps ads.

Get help from ad specialists at HawkSEM

We’ve helped clients achieve exponential growth through creative, data-driven campaigns.

NurseRegistry, a leading staffing agency for nurses, doubled the number of qualified leads and cut cost-per-lead by 46% in six months with our PPC efforts.

You can learn more about our PPC management services here.

The takeaway

Your search ad headline is one of the main factors that determine your campaign’s success.

It must grab users’ attention, compel them to read the descriptions, and click to your landing page.

If you need help creating better ad copy and planning effective campaigns, connect with our ad specialists. Book a free consultation with us today.

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