Here’s our top 20 list of SEO services you need to drive traffic and conversions. We also explore the pricing, deliverables and benefits of each service.

SEO services can be one-time tasks or ongoing efforts — we recommend the latter.

The specific SEO services you need depend on your website’s current state, your digital marketing goals, and the type of business you operate.

Marketers agree: inbound marketing (e.g., search engine optimization, content marketing) is one of the top sources of high-quality leads.

The reason is simple — organic search drives people who are already interested in your services to your website. So odds are, if they like what they see, they’ll convert into a lead or customer.

But to drive relevant traffic to your website, you need to implement a holistic SEO strategy. Unfortunately, many brands lack the time or expertise to do it themselves.

Sound familiar?

Then you’ll find our list of SEO services timely. Continue reading to see how the best SEO companies can help your website rank fast.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization (or on-site SEO) refers to improving search engine rankings for individual web pages.

It includes adding and optimizing headings and title tags, decreasing image sizes, and more to help you rank and maintain your keyword ranking.

Ongoing on-page SEO is vital with search engines like Google constantly changing their search algorithms.

In 2021 alone, Google made over 5,000 updates to its search algorithm.

Sometimes, an update can affect your keyword rankings, even if you’re not trying to game the system. For instance, Wordstream’s CTR dropped by 37% after Google’s title rewrite in 2021.

On-page SEO optimization service usually covers important factors like:

  • Page speed and core web vitals
  • Alt tags
  • Internal linking
  • Schema markup
  • Image and media optimization
  • Meta descriptions and title tags
  • URL structure optimization

The average cost for on-page and off-page SEO services is between $3,000 to 10,000 per month, and slightly lower for local businesses.

Keyword research and analysis

Keyword research is about finding the search terms your target audience uses to search for your products and services, so you can optimize your site to rank for those queries.

A good keyword research strategy helps you to create content tailored to the needs of your target audience.

Keyword research includes:

  • Finding and analyzing business relevant keywords, using keyword research tools and forums like Reddit and Quora
  • Categorizing search queries into different stages of a user journey
  • Tying search terms to search intent, such as transactional, navigational, and informational

For example, let’s say that you’re a SaaS selling a personal finance tool. Your target audience needs to do their taxes and have questions about completing the right forms and estimating taxes.

So you search for terms that revolve around tax-related topics and home in on queries with informational intent and low competition, so it’s easier to rank for.

Pro tip: While factors like keyword difficulty suggest how hard it is to rank for a keyword, it’s not foolproof. To increase your odds of ranking, target longer tail variations of the keyword.

The cost of keyword research typically ranges from $3,000 to $10,000 per month for fixed rates.

Technical SEO audit

A technical SEO audit includes a thorough analysis of the backend of your website, identifies problems, and guides on how to resolve issues found.

For instance, if your product pages aren’t appearing in search results as expected, it may be due to a technical SEO problem.
A tech SEO audit will reveal issues like missing title tags, broken links leading to these pages causing search engines to overlook them.

Following the audit you can find and fix these issues, ensuring your product pages are properly indexed, and potential customers can find your products easily.

Here’s a look at some of the tasks technical SEO can help with:

  • Fixing broken internal and external links
  • Improving page load speed
  • Addressing orphaned pages that may go unnoticed
  • Resolving JavaScript and CSS issues that impact site performance.
  • Detecting crawl errors in your Sitemap.xml
  • Ensuring all pages have appropriate title tags
  • Identifying and resolving duplicate content

Carrying out regular technical SEO audits helps you spot potential issues before they become a problem.

SEO agencies and consultants charge between $5,000 to $10,000 for monthly retainers for SEO audit services.

Content creation and optimization

Content creation and optimization includes developing content that contains the right keywords, multimedia (like videos and images), and elements (such as templates and FAQs) to perform well on search engines.

This typically includes two additional services:content audit and gap analysis:

  • Content Audit: Ensures existing content meets the needs of people searching online. It checks if a page needs a video, if searchers are looking for templates, and evaluates the quality and relevance of your content to match search intent.
  • Gap Analysis: Analyzes your competitors’ content. You can use tools like Ahrefs or Semrush for this. Look for keywords you might have missed, identify the types of content that are driving relevant traffic, and take note of what you can incorporate into your own strategy.

Pro tip
Focus on trends from competitors that align with your goals and benefit your target audience.

Content creation and optimization services cost anywhere from $ 5,000 to $10,000 a month.

Link building and outreach

Link-building and outreach services provide businesses with inbound links from authoritative and trusted websites.

A healthy amount of links from external sites signal to Google that your content is helpful.

The most popular outreach strategies include guest posting and crafting round-ups or resource pages.

The goal of link building isn’t to gather many links, but to attract quality links from sites with high domain authority.

Our client, Deskready, grew backlinks from 822 to 1800+ using our strategy. The outreach brought a direct surge in ranking and a 40% increase in conversions.

Pricing often depends on the site’s authority and number of links. Prices can typically range from $2,500 and $10,000 per month.

Local SEO

Local SEO campaigns help brick and mortar stores and small businesses improve location-based traffic.

It helps businesses rank in two categories: local packs and maps.

Local Pack, often called the “Snack Pack,” shows three business listings for local searches.

Here’s an example of a Local Pack for the search term “pet store in California.”

Local SEO

While map results, depicts search results on Google Maps.


Being at the top of local search results brings a business more online visibility and draws customers to its physical location.
“Local SEO has been the backbone of our success; we serve over 300,000 customers, and more than half of them have found us through local online searches and Google My Business,” says Bryan Clayton, CEO of GreenPal.

Companies pay between $500 to $1,000 per month for local SEO.

Ecommerce SEO

SEO for ecommerce helps make online stores visible and rank higher.

For example, if you own a paint store, ecommerce SEO helps your paint store appear at the top of SERPs when someone searches for “buy paint online.”

Ecommerce SEO involves:

  • Keyword research: Identifying keywords related to your products or services that people commonly search for
  • Optimizing product listings: Adding highly-targeted keywords naturally into your product titles, descriptions, and meta tags

Mac Steer, owner and director at Simify, shared that a great way to check the effectiveness of your SEO strategy is to look at which keywords drive traffic and sales conversions for your website.

“When we started using ecommerce SEO services, we saw increased organic traffic,” says Mark. “Then we saw an increase in sales from organic search traffic.”

Ecommerce SEO prioritizes product engagement over search traffic to focus on KPIs like sales or sign-ups for email and SMS marketing.

Ecommerce SEO costs between $3,000 to $10,000 per month.

Mobile SEO

Mobile users expect fast loading times and easy navigation on small screens.

You make your site mobile-friendly using mobile SEO tactics. The practice involves optimizing things like web design, content, voice search, and navigation for mobile.

Did you know voice searches and queries for local businesses are more common among mobile users? And that over 60% of organic search visits come from mobile devices?

This shows you need to optimize for mobile to prevent losing mobile traffic.

Mobile SEO often includes:

  • Optimizing your website’s design to ensure it looks great and functions smoothly on mobile devices
  • Optimizing content to ensure it fits well and loads quickly on mobile screens
  • Ensuring your site is voice search friendly

Like most SEO services, the monthly price for mobile SEO is between $5,000 to $10,000.

SEO reporting and analytics

SEO reporting and analytics services keep tabs on your SEO efforts. An SEO report shows what topics, content types, landing pages, and messaging are most appealing to your audience. It also reveals any current or potential threats to your website’s traffic, conversions, and business goals.

This service clarifies what your customers want and what messaging works.

To make informed decisions, you should monitor key SEO metrics, including:

  • Core Web Vitals
  • Pages per visit
  • Click-through rate
  • Pages indexed
  • Text readability
  • Backlinks
  • Internal links
  • Crawl errors
  • Bounce rate
  • Average Page Speed

While free SEO tools like Google Analytics can give you a basic SEO performance audit, consulting with an SEO expert will provide the best long-term results.

SEO Reporting and Analytics services cost $5,000 to $10,000.

SEO consultation and strategy development

Consultation and strategy for SEO involve collaborating with an experienced SEO consultant or digital marketing agency to analyze, plan, and execute specific techniques tailored to your business’s needs.

For example, a consultant or agency assesses your website’s content, structure, and keywords to identify areas for improvement. They devise a detailed strategy that may involve optimizing content, creating SEO canonical tags, building quality backlinks, and enhancing site speed.

Some surefire signs you need professional SEO consultation and strategy:

  • Your business is growing, and you need to prepare for more traffic
  • You want to improve and get more traffic and conversions
  • Your current strategy isn’t working

Top SEO agencies have a diverse and experienced team, so consulting with agencies makes achieving the best ROI on SEO easier and faster.

SEO consultation and strategy development costs between $5,000 to $30,000 for one-time projects.

Website speed optimization

Slow-loading websites frustrate users, and can harm your search engine rankings.
Website speed optimization makes your website load faster.
Faster websites make users happy, increasing the chances they’ll stay on your site longer. Studies show that quicker load times lead to better conversion rates, meaning more sales or leads for your business.
Also, faster websites tend to rank higher on search engines, bringing more organic traffic.

Here’s what website speed optimization involves:

  • Reducing the size of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files to help pages load quicker
  • Implementing lazy loading for ads, so they only load when needed, improving overall speed
  • Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, as mobile users expect fast loading times
  • Migrating to a faster host or server

SEO agencies charge $5,000 to $30,000 for one-off projects.

Schema markup implementation

Schema markup, or structured data, is a language designed to help search engines understand a page’s information.

Humans are better at understanding online content. But search engines rely on machine learning to grasp your content and intent.

Implementing schema markup helps search engines interpret your page.

Search engines display rich results or snippets when they detect schema markup on your page.

Some of the most popular schema examples are:

  • Recipe
  • Article
  • Review
  • Video
  • Podcast
  • How-to

Adding schema markups to your web pages gives you more control over your site’s appearance in search results.

For instance, review snippets display feedback and ratings from previous customers. This can increase credibility.

review snippets

The cost of schema markup implementation ranges from $3,000 to $10,000.

Social media integration and optimization

Social media integration is a social media marketing strategy and an SEO strategy. It involves regularly publishing on social media accounts as a marketing strategy.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Guide your social media followers to your website
  2. Make it simple for website visitors to find your social media accounts

For example, you may see buttons that say “Share on Facebook” or “Tweet this” on a blog post, making it simple for readers to share your content with their social networks.

Here’s an example of a social media share button on a blog post:


Social media integration and optimization range from $3,000 to $10,000.

Reputation Management

People scan reviews and read comments online before buying.

Reputation management SEO cleans up your online footprint. This way, wherever searchers find your company in the SERPs, they find positive stories.

For example, start typing [Johnson and Johnson baby] into Google, and you will find negative autocomplete suggestions: scandal, cancer, and lawsuit.


To address this the brand could create a page directly addressing the scandal or by adding quotes to the already ranking articles, to influence the results.

Reputation management services include:

  • Setting up a brand alert
  • Creating content around potentially negative keywords
  • Responding to negative reviews

Expect to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 for reputation management SEO.

Competitor analysis and monitoring

The point of competitor analysis isn’t to copy your competitors. The goal is to improve your search strategy by gaining insight into competitors’ content, backlink strategy, and keywords.

A competitor analysis helps you figure out how to optimize your site to stand out.

Steps in this process include:

  • Identifying a list of businesses or websites that are your main competition
  • Examining their websites for content, layout, and user experience
  • Analyzing backlinks profile to find potential link-building opportunities
  • Carrying out keyword research to discover keywords they target, which can inform your SEO strategy
  • Analyzing competitors’ social media content and kind of engagement they get

Competitor analysis and monitoring pricing typically range from $3,000 to $10,000.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO)

SEO brings traffic. CRO ensures that traffic turns into leads and sales.

Conversion rate optimization describes steps to ensure site visitors take action. Actions could be purchasing, joining a waitlist, or downloading a lead magnet.

Optimizing conversion rates boosts revenue per visitor, attracts more customers, and fosters business expansion.
Shekhar Kapoor, VP Marketing at Convertcart, credited early conversions at Convertcart to genuinely helpful website content with the right nudge and experimentation.

“We wrote blog posts that solve specific problems, then placed exit intent pop-ups to nudge readers to sign up for a free audit,” explains Kapoor. “We experimented with different copies and new social proof on these nudges. And we had a few winning examples at the end of 2-3 months of experimentation.”

Voice search optimization

Voice search optimization ensures voice assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant) select and read your site’s content.

When customers perform a voice search, they phrase their queries like real-life conversations.

Most voice search-enabled devices often display just the top three results for a query. You’ll need effective voice SEO practices to secure one of these top spots.

To optimize for voice search:

  • Find and optimize for conversational keywords (e.g., questions and long tail search queries)
  • Add an FAQ schema to your website
  • Optimize your site for mobile

Voice search optimization pricing falls within $3,000 to $10,000 for one-off projects.

SEO training and workshops

If you prefer a hands-on approach, opt to learn SEO from experts.

Many SEO experts offer coaching, consulting, and workshops to help in-house teams and small businesses achieve better SEO results.

SEO training and workshops cover areas like:

  • Keyword research and content optimization
  • Local or international SEO
  • On-page and off-page optimization
  • Link building and outreach

This can be an excellent option for small business owners with limited budgets and plenty of time.

The cost for SEO training and workshops can range from $5,000 to $10,000.

Penalty assessment and recovery

A sudden and steep decrease in site ranking is often a result of a penalty. Search engines like Google penalize sites for black hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing, link spam, or techniques against Google Search Essentials. This penalty can hurt your website’s visibility and traffic.

Penalty recovery services help identify and fix the issue(s) responsible for the penalty.

The process includes removing backlinks from spam sites and fixing technical issues.

A comprehensive penalty assessment and recovery service includes the following steps:

  1. Analyze your website to pinpoint the issues causing the penalty.
  2. Clean up spammy backlinks that may be dragging your site down.
  3. Address technical issues that might be affecting your site’s performance

The process of recovering from the Google penalty can be complex so it’s best to outsource it to a professional.

Penalty assessment and recovery can cost anywhere from $5,000-$10,000 per month.

Website migration SEO

Website migration ensures that you don’t lose any of your SEO gains (traffic and rankings) during and after a website migration.

Here’s an example of how website migration mistakes can have drastic effects on your site:

Angel Match, founder Rashid Khasanov, experienced a 60% drop in traffic after the team failed to do a 301 redirect during a website migration.

Here are some website migration best practices:

  • Map all your URLs and set up redirects so they prioritize your new site’s pages
  • Keep your meta tags the same
  • Create a sitemap for the old URLs for search engines to follow
  • Increase your public relations and communication efforts 3-6 months before and after switching to the new website

The average cost of website migration is anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 per month.

Want to avoid site migration mistakes? Talk to an expert.

Importance of SEO services to businesses

The right SEO services can bring several benefits, like a better user experience and revenue, or even complement PPC campaigns. For instance, Moneta Group chose HawkSEM to execute its SEO campaign using a range of services we recommended, resulting in a 326% rise in organic visibility.

Smart choice.

Here’s a closer look at the benefits of SEO services.

Enhances user experience

Following SEO best practices, such as increasing site load time and optimizing for mobile devices, gives site visitors a better user experience.

Visitors find the information they need, stay longer, and you have a higher chance of converting them into returning customers.

Improves online presence

Nearly 30% of all clicks in Google go to the #1 position in search. Guess how many make it to number 10 — less than 3%.

When you create quality content and optimize for keywords (with the right intent), you’re more likely to gain those clicks. So make sure your blog post or landing page meet the needs of the searcher or they’ll bounce away (hurting your ranking and conversions).

Increases revenue

According to Google’s 2022 US Economic Impact Report, “Google helped drive over 2.3 billion free direct connections, including phone calls, requests for directions, messages, bookings and reviews for American companies.”

The odds of conversion go up with an increase in targeted web traffic.

An SEO strategy targeting the right audience will boost your revenue.

Maximizes PPC campaigns

Optimizing for search can help marketers maximize PPC campaigns.

For example, Clickup bids on the keyword “Trello alternatives.”

Trello alternatives

While also ranking organically for the same query.


By appearing twice, they build familiarity and occupy a larger space in people’s minds. People are more likely to buy from brands they recognize. Or at least that they see repeatedly in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Also, a site optimized for search is a win-win for organic and paid campaigns.

The takeaway

Overwhelmed by our long SEO services list? Don’t worry, we can help you determine which you actually need. We’re well-versed in all things SEO, including onsite and offsite optimization, local and national strategies, ecommerce solutions, content creation, and technical SEO.

At HawkSEM, we have worked with notable brands like Nike, Honda, and Verizon. But we also work with smaller companies in education, B2B SaaS, finance, and healthcare (to name a few).

And achieved results like:

  1. Increased dealer inquiries for Honda by 40%
  2. Increased website traffic rate for Honda by 200%
  3. Grew conversions by more than 3,200% for Verizon

We use a combination of our decades of SEO experience and our proprietary software, ConversionIQ, to identify the keywords that convert to drive more leads and sales.

Ready to get started? Reach out to our team for a free consultation.

Isioma Ogwuda

Isioma Ogwuda

Isioma is a content marketer with 5 years experience driving organic growth for SaaS and tech companies.