SEO for insurance agents, brokers, and agencies involves optimizing their websites to rank higher in organic search results for relevant keywords, attracting more qualified leads, and increasing online visibility.

There are many SEO challenges for insurance brokers, agents, and agencies.

Like having to beat established competitors already ranking at the top of organic search results.

Many insurance-related search queries are highly localized, which requires a strategic approach to target specific geographic areas.

In this article, we’ll explain the best practices and tactics the HawkSEM team uses to help our insurance clients address these challenges and consistently rank higher in search results.

“SEO is a core part of what we do at HawkSEM,” says Rambod Yadegar, President of HawkSEM.

“We work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and create a custom strategy that gets results. Our team of experts is hands-on every step of the way, continually monitoring and optimizing campaigns to ensure our clients get more leads and sales.”

What is SEO for insurance?

SEO for insurance helps your insurance website rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. It involves optimizing your site structure, creating valuable content, building quality backlinks, and other activities to boost organic visibility and traffic.

car insurance

For instance, if you specialize in homeowners’ insurance, effective SEO can position your website at the top of SERP when potential clients search for terms like “affordable homeowners insurance” or “best homeowners insurance rates.”

Like this:

affordable homeowners insurance

This visibility places your brand directly in front of potential clients when they’re looking for the insurance products you offer.

Ranking higher on SERP attracts more clicks. This increased qualified traffic can result in more leads and, ultimately, more sales for your insurance business.

Benefits of SEO for insurance

SEO for insurance agencies and brokers delivers long-term, sustainable growth in site traffic and lead generation.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • Boosts your website’s visibility (and brand awareness) in search results, increasing the chances of potential clients finding your insurance services
  • Drives targeted traffic to your site from people actively searching for insurance products
  • Brings more high-quality leads genuinely interested in your insurance offerings
  • Enhances user experience by making your website easy to navigate and providing resourceful information that meets client needs
  • Builds credibility and trust with prospective clients by ranking your site higher, which often correlates with authority in the eyes of consumers
  • Keeps you competitive in a crowded market by outranking competitors in search results

In general, financial services SEO is more affordable and provides a greater long-term return on investment than paid search marketing for insurance.

How much does it cost?

The cost of professional SEO services for insurance companies ranges from $3,000 to $10,000 per month. Local SEO may cost between $500 and $1,000 monthly. One-time SEO projects could cost anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000, depending on your needs.

What you pay will depend on your specific needs and goals.

If you plan to update your site with high-quality articles or videos frequently, expect higher costs because producing great content takes expert skills and time.

If your website needs upgrades for mobile-friendliness or to load faster, there will be an additional cost.

Rates also vary depending on a keyword’s difficulty.  Competitive keywords require advanced and often expensive SEO tactics.

Local SEO, which targets visibility in specific areas, usually costs less than broader national SEO efforts.

Using sophisticated SEO tools for detailed analytics or hiring a specialized agency for ongoing SEO management will increase your expenses.

Further reading: SEO Pricing: How Much Should You Pay? (+ 10 Options)

9 SEO best practices

Follow these SEO best practices for insurance agencies to build a strong foundation for your website:

  1. Conduct thorough keyword research
  2. Optimize your website structure and navigation
  3. Create unique, high-quality content
  4. Optimize on-page elements
  5. Build a strong backlink profile
  6. Leverage local SEO tactics
  7. Focus on user experience (UX)
  8. Implement structured data markup
  9. Monitor your SEO performance regularly

1. Conduct thorough keyword research

Keyword research identifies the search terms your potential clients use when looking for insurance-related information, products, or services online.

Understanding keyword intent can help you optimize your website’s content (web pages, blog posts) to rank higher in organic search results for those specific queries.

Start by using a tool like Google’s Keyword Planner. Enter seed terms related to your services, such as “health insurance” or “vehicle insurance in New York.”

Conduct thorough keyword research

You can also use freemium keyword research tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz.

These tools show the number of people searching for these terms (search volume) and the competition (keyword difficulty). They also give you more keyword ideas.

keyword difficulty

Choose keywords that are highly searched but not overly competitive.

Once you have the list of relevant keywords, integrate them (thoughtfully) into your existing content. Create new content based on these keywords.

Use them in your titles, headers, web pages, and blog posts.

Now, there’s a lot more to keyword research you’ll find on different marketing blogs. We’ve even published a comprehensive keyword research guide.

Check it out here: How to do Keyword Research + Tools to Use & Pro Tips.

2. Optimize your website structure and navigation

Creating a clear website structure makes navigating your website easier for visitors and search engines.


Begin by organizing your services into distinct categories — such as auto, health, or life insurance — each with a dedicated section and web page.

For example, under a main menu item like “Auto Insurance,” link to a page with the URL

This page should clearly outline your auto insurance plans, benefits, and contact information so customers can get quotes.

Ensure straightforward navigation from the home page to this page, using clearly labeled tabs and minimal clicks.

Simple navigation structures help users find information quickly and reduce the bounce rate, which is favorable for SEO.

Here’s an example of a well-organized site structure and easily navigable pages on the GEICO website:

GEICO website

Also,  link each page to other relevant content on your site to strengthen your internal linking and overall site structure.

Further reading: How to Set Up Your Website Architecture for SEO (+ Examples that Work)

3. Create unique, high-quality content

Creating unique SEO content helps you attract and retain website visitors.

You can establish your insurance website as a trusted resource in the industry by offering helpful, high-value information that addresses your audience’s needs.

Focus on topics that matter to your audience — such as detailed guides on choosing insurance policies, tips for filing claims, or explanations of insurance terms.

You can find relevant topics for content through keyword research and competitive analysis.

For instance:

  • Use question-based, long-tail keywords as individual topics for educational blog posts
  • Check your competitors’ top-performing pages and realign your content creation priorities

Use these topics to create a comprehensive editorial calendar of up to four months.

Here’s an example of how a typical calendar may look:


Regularly update your blog with fresh (new or refreshed) content to keep your audience engaged and show search spiders your website is active. While there’s no magical number, publish at least two articles weekly.

Ensure to optimize all published content with primary and secondary keywords. It should also be high quality and address the readers’ pain points.

If you plan to create a lot of content, outsource the task to expert writers.

At HawkSEM, we offer complete content marketing services, including content writing. Our expert team of writers has years of experience working with clients in the insurance industry. 

4. Optimize on-page elements

Optimizing on-page elements enhances your website’s SEO. This includes title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, images, and your site’s SEO taxonomy (how you organize and categorize your content).

Every page should have a distinct title tag and meta description describing the page’s content and relevant keywords to improve search visibility.

For headers, use a clear hierarchy from H1 to H2, H3, and so on, organizing the content effectively for readers and search engines.

Optimize on-page elements

Additionally, optimize your images using descriptive (and meaningful) file names and alt tags that help search engines know what the image is about and cater to users with accessibility needs.

These on-page SEO elements should ideally include the keywords you want to target. This helps search engines understand your pages’ relevancy and improves the chances that users will click when they appear in search results.

Further reading: 20 On-Page SEO Factors Our Experts Use to Rank On Page One

5. Build a strong backlink profile

A strong backlink profile helps improve your website’s authority and search engine rankings. It tells search engines your content (and brand) is credible and valuable.

You can check your backlink profile using Semrush’s Backlink Analytics. It shows how many backlinks your site has, the domain authority of these referring domains, anchor texts used for each backlink, and more.


Once you understand your site’s backlink health, work to get more high-quality backlinks to boost your off-page SEO.

Here are three ways how:

  1. Guest blogging: Reach out to established sites within the insurance industry or related fields like finance and health, and offer to write articles that provide value to their readers. In return, ask to include a link back to your website.
  2. Industry partnerships: Collaborate with insurance industry bodies, local business groups, or educational institutions. These partnerships can lead to natural backlink opportunities, such as being featured on their partner pages or in event summaries.
  3. Link baiting: Develop content that naturally attracts backlinks, such as original research, comprehensive guides, or insightful analyses on insurance topics. For example, a well-researched article on “The Impact of Climate Change on Home Insurance Rates” can encourage related websites to link back to your insights.

Pro tip: The quality of the links is more important than quantity for SEO for insurance brokers. So, prioritize reputable sites relevant to the insurance sector.

Backlinks are one of the most critical search ranking factors. Consider hiring experts if you want relevant backlinks from high domain authority (DA) websites.

Check this out before hiring anyone: 8 Best Link Building Agencies + Questions to Ask Before Hiring One

6. Leverage local SEO tactics

Local SEO for insurance agents connects you with clients in your geographic area. This is important if you serve specific regions.

Start by creating your Google Business profile (previously Google My Business). This free listing showcases your insurance business in local search results and on Google Maps, making it easier for potential clients to find and contact you.


Keep the profile up-to-date and rich with details like your business address, phone number, and services.

Encourage happy clients to leave an honest rating and review.

An optimized Google Business Profile will increase your online presence for local searches. It also provides potential customers with quick access to your contact information and directions to your office.

Use local keywords in your website’s content, such as “home insurance in Atlanta” or “Seattle life insurance providers.”

Also, include your location in meta tags and descriptions, and create content that discusses local issues or events related to insurance. This will help localize your SEO efforts.

Further reading: How to Create a Multi-Location SEO Strategy + Examples that Work

7. Focus on user experience (UX)

A good user experience means visitors can easily navigate your site and find what they need. This encourages them to stay longer and engage with your content.

First, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. This means your text, buttons, and images should look good and function well on smaller screens.

Design your site with simplicity in mind. Use a clear, easy-to-read font, and organize content under well-defined categories (based on types of insurance or other criteria).

Each category should be easily accessible through a straightforward menu. This setup helps users and search engines find your pages more efficiently.

Page speed is crucial. People will leave your site if it loads slowly. So, optimize your images by reducing their file size for faster loading without sacrificing quality.

Use tools like PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix issues slowing down your site.

PageSpeed Insights

Further reading: Website UX: 6 Things Digital Marketers Should Know

8. Implement structured data markup

Structured data markup (also called schema markup) helps search engines understand your website’s content and enhances how your pages show up in organic search results.

It can differentiate your insurance company’s website on SERP by adding rich snippets.

Like this:


This can capture the attention of potential clients more effectively by providing key information at a glance, which may lead to higher click-through rates.

For example, if you offer car insurance, you can use structured data to display:

  • Star ratings: Show customer satisfaction ratings directly in search results
  • Price ranges: Provide a quick glance at the cost range of your policies
  • Office locations: Highlight where your offices are located geographically

To get started, use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to tag information such as the services you offer (e.g., home, auto, life insurance), customer reviews, and contact information.

After adding these tags, test them to see if your markup is correct and if Google can display this enhanced information in the search results.

9. Monitor your SEO performance regularly

Regularly monitoring your SEO performance helps you understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Start by setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console on your website.

These tools provide insights into how visitors find and use your website. They also alert you to any issues that may affect your search rankings, such as crawl errors or security issues.

Track SEO metrics like your website’s traffic sources, bounce rate, and conversion rates.

Track SEO metrics

For example, notice which insurance product pages are most visited and which convert best.

Use this data to refine your search engine optimization strategy, such as by adjusting keywords or improving user engagement on underperforming pages.

Also, pay attention to your rankings for specific keywords related to your insurance services to gauge your progress and refine your SEO strategy accordingly.

At HawkSEM, we use ConversionIQ. It’s our proprietary marketing tool that gives a comprehensive, centralized, and real-time view of SEO campaigns. These insights help us track every step of the buyer journey, allowing us to optimize the strategy proactively and reduce inefficiencies to maximize ROI.

All HawkSEM clients get free access to ConversionIQ. Want to learn more about this tool? Contact us.

Additional SEO tactics worth trying

The SEO tips for insurance agencies and brokers will help you build a strong foundation. These SEO tactics will help you beat competitors on SERP and generate more leads.

Enhance content relevance with AI-assisted SEO tools

Leverage AI-powered SEO tools such as Clearscope or MarketMuse to optimize (and improve) your content for search engines.

These tools analyze top-performing content in the insurance industry and provide insights on essential keywords you should include in your articles.


(Image: Clearscope)

They also offer suggestions on content structure and length to match users’ search intent better.

This ensures your content is aligned with what potential clients are actively searching for.

Further reading: How to Use AI for SEO (+ 14 Must-Have Tools)

Showcase expertise and build trust

Enhance your website’s trust and authority by showcasing your Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).

  • Ensure all content is current and reflects the latest insurance standards
  • Display the qualifications and experience of your content creators
  • Produce detailed and well-researched articles
  • Feature real client feedback on your site
  • Show any industry recognitions or awards to underline credibility

This tactic builds trust with your audience and tells Google and Bing your site is a reliable source of information.

Use interactive calculators to engage users

Add interactive calculators to your website to help potential customers easily estimate their insurance premiums.

For instance, a car insurance calculator could require inputs, such as the car model, age, and driving history to generate a personalized premium quote.

These tools engage users by providing personalized information, encouraging longer visits and deeper interaction with your site. This can positively impact your SEO.

“There are many SEO tactics insurance agencies and brokers can use, such as creating interactive quizzes, developing geotargeted landing pages, and using AI-powered chatbots,” says Yadegar.

“Which is the right SEO tactic for you depends on your defined goals and target audience. For example, an insurance agency focusing on retirement planning may prioritize creating in-depth guides and video content to engage older demographics. A broker specializing in travel insurance could benefit from partnering with travel bloggers and optimizing for location-based searches.”

Working with SEO experts to rank higher on SERP

HawkSEM is a leading digital marketing agency with expertise in search engine marketing strategy. We work with everyone from solopreneurs and SMBs to the biggest brands like Microsoft, Nike, Verizon, and Honda.

We offer end-to-end SEO services, helping clients dominate SERPs with proven practices and advanced tactics.

Our team has years of hands-on experience working with insurance providers.

We have helped clients like Peninsula General, a leading auto and home insurance provider in California, double their return on ad spend and pay 66% less per lead. How?

Because we understand the industry’s challenges and opportunities, which gives us deeper insights into planning, developing, and executing highly effective insurance marketing strategies.

From keyword research and technical SEO to creating content and building backlinks, we take care of all your online growth needs, delivering higher rankings, more traffic, and quality leads at scale and speed.

The takeaway

The insurance industry is very competitive.

You need an SEO strategy that focuses on the fundamentals and leverages growth tactics. And that evolves to your industry’s needs, consumer trends, and algorithm changes.

It can help your site rank higher on SERP, attract high-quality organic traffic, and generate qualified leads.

The best part?

The results are sustainable.

Book your free consultation today with our expert and take the first step in building a strong SEO strategy for your insurance company’s website.

Asif Ali

Asif Ali

Asif is a content marketing specialist, writer, and consultant. For over a decade, he has collaborated with 100+ brands, helping them increase top-line revenue through strategic inbound campaigns. Perpetually curious about zero-cost growth hacks, he's always up for a conversation about side hustles and Harry Potter.