Let’s Get Your WordPress Website Ranked

Building a website with WordPress is smart — it comes with thousands of templates and plugins you can use to make your site mega-awesome. But if you’re not optimizing it properly, no one will ever find it to appreciate all your hard work.

Things don’t have to stay this way.

HawkSEM is a full-service SEO company with a team of experts who work with WordPress daily. We understand the ins and outs of the content management system and what it takes to get it ranked.

If you’re interested in getting WordPress SEO services that can generate leads for your business, then we’re here to help.

What is WordPress SEO?

WordPress SEO is the practice of optimizing websites built with WordPress for search engines like Google and Bing.

The goal is to ensure your website and its content contain the right keywords so it helps search engines (and people) understand what the page is about. And it involves technical SEO like site speed and link building, which all help to boost your rankings in search results and drive more website traffic.

But it doesn’t stop there. Without the right messaging, product/service positioning, and calls to action, you’ll just drive traffic that doesn’t convert. At HawkSEM, we help businesses optimize their websites for traffic and conversions.

We do this using a mix of SEO techniques, decades of field experience, and our proprietary software (ConversionIQ) to identify keywords your top visitors (aka paying customers) use to find and land on your website.

In other words, we have the knowledge and tools to increase your lead generation and revenue using WordPress SEO.

Results from Our Digital Marketing Services

Results Are Everything

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How Can WordPress SEO Benefit Your Business?

When you partner with the right experts, your WordPress SEO can take your business from stagnant to thriving.

Here’s how WordPress SEO can benefit your business:

  • Get Your Website Seen

    WordPress SEO techniques improve your website’s visibility in organic search engine results pages (SERPs), making it easier for potential customers to find you. In other words, we help you get to the top of page one.

  • Drive More Relevant Traffic

    By optimizing your WordPress site with the right keywords, you can attract more of the right traffic, resulting in a steady stream of targeted visitors who are looking for your products and services.

  • Create a Better User Experience

    WordPress SEO isn’t just about keywords, though. It also involves optimizing your website structure, usability, navigation, and content, so people can find what they came there to find. It also gives search engine bots a roadmap to crawl every inch of your site so each page is properly ranked.

  • Gain a Competitive Edge

    WordPress is a popular website builder — odds are, a few of your competitors are using it too. The good news is they may not be properly optimizing their site. So, using WordPress SEO services to outrank and outperform them in search engine results will keep you ahead of the game.

  • Stand the Test of Time

    Putting in the work to optimize your WordPress website yields long-term results — we’re talking years. But this is only possible with ongoing optimization and maintenance. Doing so will provide sustainable growth and continued success for your website.

WordPress SEO Services We Offer

While Yoast and other SEO plugins can help optimize WordPress websites, they just can’t compete with the human touch. Our experts in search engine optimization and WordPress provide just that. We know what it takes to build and optimize your WordPress site so it’s ready to rank and attract your target customers.

So whether you’re creating a new site or have an existing WordPress website that needs work, we’ve got you covered with the following services:

On-page SEO and Technical SEO

If your website already exists, then you need to check that all of your pages and elements on the page are optimized for search. We ensure this by checking and improving the following areas:

  • Page Title Optimization: Ensuring the title tags on each page contain the right keywords
  • Meta Descriptions Optimization: Adding relevant search terms to and ensuring they aren’t truncated in search (no more than 155 characters)
  • SEO-Friendly URLs: Placing keywords in every URL and ensuring they’re properly formatted
  • Internal & External Link Recovery: Including links to reputable external sources and to relevant
  • Image Alt-Tag Optimization: Adding keyword-rich text to images so search engines can rank them, and so it’s accessible to those with vision impairment or slower internet speeds
  • Canonical Tag Issue Resolution: Preventing duplicate content issues by adding canonical tags to pages with similar content (useful for ecommerce product pages)
  • Google Search Console Setup: Configuring Google Search Console to give you insights into how your website is performing in search results
  • 4xx & 5xx Error Identification & Resolution: Finding and fixing client and server errorcodes that block visitors from access (and hurt the user experience)
  • 301 Redirects (as needed): Redirecting old or outdated URLs to newer relevant pages so you don’t hurt the page’s ranking
  • Site Architecture (navigation) Analysis: Building a better user experience by improving your site’s structure
  • Page Speed Optimization: Removing elements on your site that slow it down, such as plugins and large images
  • Schema Markup Implementation: Giving search engines additional info about your web pages to help them understand and rank them better
  • Robots.txt Setup & Optimization: Adding a robots.txt file to help search engine crawlers access your pages to index them
  • Heading Tag (H1, H2, etc.) Optimization: Ensuring every page has H1, H2, H3 tags that contain appropriate keywords you wish to rank for
  • Sitemap Optimization: Creating an XML sitemap that helps search engine crawlers find and index your pages

Content and SEO Strategy, Analysis & Development

Without content marketing, your website can’t rank or attract traffic to convert. So, if you’re not already prioritizing content creation, we can get you up to speed. Our content strategists can build a plan to develop content that ranks in search engines, appeals to your target audience, and meets your business goals.

Here’s how we can make that happen:

  • Run an SEO audit, and competitive landscape and industry analysis
  • Our strategists conduct a keyword analysis to determine the best terms to target
  • Create a plan to deliver 5,000 words per month
  • Our content creators write the content and optimize it with Clearscope
  • Ensure internal links are included to direct visitors to relevant pages
  • Our team uploads the content to your WordPress website

We also look for opportunities to improve your internal linking structure and existing content to make it better.

Off-Site Visibility

Getting people to click on your website from search is a great achievement. But we can’t ignore other channels that can drive relevant traffic to your site. This is possible using offsite optimization techniques.

Here’s how:

  • Backlink Audit & Cleanup: The more backlinks you have, the higher you rank in search engines. That’s because Google considers websites with high-quality backlinks to be high authority. Our link building service involves gathering backlinks from relevant, high-value sites and working to remove low-quality backlinks that can hurt your website rank in search.
  • Ongoing Backlink Monitoring: After we get your quality backlinks in place, we continue to monitor and manage your offsite presence to keep your backlinks clean and your traffic growing.
  • YouTube Optimization Recommendations: Google’s second-most popular search engine is YouTube. With our recommendations, you can optimize your videos to rank and drive traffic to your website.
  • Social Channel Recommendations: Distributing your content on social media can broaden your reach. We can make recommendations for each of your social channels to help you get more engagement and traffic.

Tracking & Reporting

What’s happening with your WordPress website? Why isn’t it performing well? We won’t know until we implement the right tracking and analytics tools to see what’s happening under the hood.

At HawkSEM, we’re all about measuring and improving. Here’s how we can ensure your WordPress website is growing and continues to do so:

  • Organic Traffic Goal Assessment: We start by asking you about your current digital marketing strategy and goals for your WordPress website.
  • Google Analytics Setup (goals, etc.): Then we set up Google Analytics on your site to track your traffic sources, numbers, and other metrics to see where you’re gaining or losing traffic and where you can improve.
  • Custom Reporting: You’ll always know what’s happening with your WordPress website because we deliver ongoing reports that are easy to understand and actionable.
  • Position Monitoring: Up today. Down tomorrow. Search engine rankings change constantly, but with HawkSEM’s ongoing monitoring, you’ll always know where you sit in search results.
  • Algorithm Impact Analysis & Resolution: Google’s always changing its mind. When it does, we’re ready to measure its impact on your website and quickly implement any needed changes to prevent or fix negative impacts on your rankings.

When you’re ready to get started, you’ll know exactly what it’ll close you for the services you need. No nickel and diming — you’ll get a fair rate for world-class results.

Ultimate Keyword Research
Using AI Technology

Ahrefs and Semrush are excellent tools for keyword research and analysis. But it’s the exact software your competitors use to find search terms to rank. To give our clients a competitive edge, we created proprietary software, ConversionIQ.

It uses AI to identify keywords your high-converting customers use to find your content so we can prioritize them on your website.

So, while your competitors are busy driving traffic, we’re busy driving leads, conversions, and revenue for your business.

Is It Time to Partner With a WordPress SEO Company?

That depends. If you want to increase your site’s traffic and generate leads that convert into sales, but are struggling to make that happen — then absolutely yes.

Businesses come to HawkSEM when they’re tired of mediocre or non-existent results and want to see change. We have an average time to rank of 6-12 months, so we can guarantee you’ll see your website grow.

If this sounds like something your business can use, let’s talk today.

Meet The Team

Why Us? Because We Use Proven Strategies To Get Results.

We’re in the top 3% of agencies in the country (according to Google’s Premier Partners network) and a Microsoft Advertising Partner. Not only that, but HawkSEM has a 98% retention rate and an average of 4.5x ROI for our clients.

But agencies always boast about what they can do. But does it mean anything if they don’t have a long track record of success? We say long because some agencies hit home runs out of pure luck and fail to repeat similar results. And others get results at the beginning but can’t maintain it long-term.

HawkSEM doesn’t have either of these issues because we use proven strategies that get consistent client results.

When you partner with us, you get a dedicated WordPress developer and an SEO expert to ensure things are set up properly. More than half of our clients use WordPress, so our team is fluent in WordPress plugins, including:

  • Yoast SEO
  • All-in-One SEO Pack
  • Rank Math
  • SEOPress
  • Schema Pro
  • Broken Link Checker
  • Redirection

But we don’t just rely on these tools to get results for your WordPress website. We use our years of experience to fine-tune your site for the best results.

But don’t take our word for it. Here’s a case study of an SEO campaign to back our claims.

Moneta Group, a wealth management company, faced increased competition and wanted to improve its national keyword rankings while also standing out in four local markets. So we implemented strategies like:

  • Creating geo-specific web content
  • Enhancing citation profiles for each office
  • Conducting competitive analysis to identify keyword gaps
  • Optimizing existing content through on-page optimization and keyword development

The outcome of these marketing efforts:

  • 326%

    increase in net organic keyword portfolio

  • 164%

    increase in organic keywords in positions 1-3

  • Over 23%

    increase in Google Analytics goal completions

And we’re doing this repeatedly for other brands like Mommy’s Bliss, which we helped to increase organic sessions by 65% and doubled its goal completions.

If you’d like to see more success stories, then check out our case studies. Or if you’re ready to see similar results for your business, then contact us to speak with a WordPress SEO consultant.

HawkSEM has been hand-selected as a Google Premier Partner and Microsoft Advertising Partner

We make things happen …but don’t take our word for it:

  • CSUN

  • Patch of Land

  • Google Partner

  • Google Premier Agency

The Bottom Line

Your WordPress website needs proper SEO. And without the right knowledge, strategies, and expertise, you’ll struggle to get high rankings, traffic, and conversion rates.

But don’t settle for just any SEO agency. Ensure you’re dealing with a team with a proven track record — how else would we maintain a 98% client retention rate? If you’re serious about making your WordPress website stand out and above the competition, then it’s time we talk.

Reach out to HawkSEM’s WordPress SEO experts today.

FAQs About WordPress SEO Services

How much does WordPress SEO cost?

WordPress SEO pricing ranges between $3,000 and $10,000 per month. The cost varies based on the size of your website, whether it needs to be built, migrated, or redesigned. And if existing content needs optimizing or whether you’re interested in ongoing maintenance and management.

The number of services you need will increase your monthly costs, but it’ll save you in the long run because it’ll drive more traffic and conversions for your business.

How long does it take to see results?

The time it takes to see results for WordPress SEO can be as soon as 3 months or as long as 1 year. It comes down to the competitiveness of your industry and the strength of your website. If you worked on your site and have quality backlinks, content, and on-site SEO, then you may see results faster.

How do I choose the best option for me?

Our experts will walk you through available options and create a custom strategy for your business goals. This eliminates the guesswork and ensures you only pay for the services you actually need.

And if you’re still on the wall about which agency to choose, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Experience level
  • Track record
  • Client testimonials
  • Specific services they offer

HawkSEM’s been in the industry since 2006 and averages a 4.5x ROI for our clients.

How does WordPress SEO improve search engine rankings?

WordPress SEO is like traditional SEO — it involves finding the right keywords, optimizing your on-page elements, and ensuring technical SEO is on point. All of this helps search engines crawl and rank your site and drive traffic from the right audience.

Can I do SEO for my WordPress website myself, or do I need professional help?

Anyone can do WordPress SEO on their own. But this doesn’t mean they’ll get favorable results. If you’re looking to experiment and are okay with trial and error that can take months or years to perfect, then do-it-yourself is a good option.

However, if you’re looking to get serious results as quickly as possible to reach business goals, then working with professionals is your best bet.

What are the benefits of hiring a specialized agency for WordPress SEO services?

Many benefits make hiring a WordPress SEO agency worth every penny. At least, if you’re working with the right agency. Here are some of the advantages you receive when you partner with HawkSEM:

  • In-depth expertise of WordPress SEO
  • Proven SEO techniques backed by years of generating results
  • Access to a dedicated WordPress SEO developer
  • Team that cares about your business goals just as much as you do
  • Experts that stay on top of the latest algorithm changes and SEO trends

Plus, we use our own proprietary software, ConversionIQ, to pull AI insights that help us deliver results.

Request a Free Consultation

No BS, just results. Average clients see a 4.5x ROI

  • Dramatically improve ROI
  • Outperform the competition
  • Increase conversion volume
  • Better track ROI
  • Reduce cost per acquisition
  • Improve lead quality